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The New Model for Selling Science.
Posted on Thursday, July 07, 2005 @ 20:57:27 UTC by vlad

Investors Neil writes:
Most civilized people instinctively know and believe that the profit-making motive in industry should be, and will be, eventually replaced by more altruistic and ethical motives... For example: ZPE will surely be free if (or when) its development eventually gets past the big obstacles:

1. The very legitimate and honest resistance of vested interests.

2. The self-serving interests of the very greedy who are not (yet) breaking any laws.

... then it will be "free for the taking" as we all know it should be.

But it will take time.... the human race doesn't have a real good track record when it comes to making beneficial changes -- but if someone really wants to take on problem #2; and develop a plan to expedite the process of taking away the freedoms of people who ARE self-serving, unethical and greedy, that could help a lot too... in fact there are a lot of legitimate and well-funded opportunities in those fields right now for any so motivated...

The developers of fuel cells thought that their technology would be virtually free -- so far, it barely justifies further development. Tesla died broke... his real reasons we'll never know. Fission, fusion, ultracondivity, nanotech, hydrogen... none of them are free. The glitch of course is -- humanity. On spaceship earth, as soon as we got curious and moved beyond the mouth of the cave, nothing has ever been free. But however fast or slow Scientific process is, we can all be grateful that at least for now, we as individuals are free to decide for ourselves what we want to do with our time and energies.

The problem with many Scientists -- ZPE Scientists in particular is this: How do you insure your investments -- even the small ones? How do you insure that the constructive energy that is rather badly represented by something called "money" gets into the hands of those individuals who have contributed the most to producing it?... And especially, how do other Scientists identify those individuals who are, by virtue of their proven generosity, energy and creative ability, the ones who can be most trusted to altruistically and ethically use that "money" to continue to work for the greater good of humankind.

The patent protection system works for many developers... will it work for ZPE?... not likely. That's why many companies big and small in many fields today are choosing to bypass the patent process. They realize that they have a better chance to best their very creative and capable GLOBAL competitors by being the first into the market with the best product. Then, with that initial profit, (if they have no illusions about how tough it will be), they often find that they can stay technologically ahead of those who have decided to lag behind and struggle with the "system."

Today, many if not most, successful International Entrepreneurs are opting for a Marketing Strategy that bypasses patenting and more quickly gets them, and their product, DIRECTLY to the person who has the most power and prerogative to make the buying decision. Since the majority of those Buyers are NOT Scientists, these same successful International Entrepreneurs are more often choosing to form "Marketing Alliances" with people who make it their business to communicate directly with Buyers.

It's been difficult for many established Scientists to work with people who are not working in what they have always known as "Science." That's because, since the Industrial Revolution, they have had the legacy of being in the lead in representing themselves as knowing all of the answers to life's most pressing problems. But whatever your particular legacy or background is, one thing is certain: today, those who got away with prosecuting that old familiar: "dumb it down for the salesmen" approach are gone forever.

Marketing today is most definitely a Science, and those of the new breed who support "The New Model for Selling Science" are leaders, and their clients expect them to play the leading role to the hilt. That's because those who practice the new model well know first hand how very demanding and difficult their job is.

These days you can't get someone to say yes to ANY proposal -- however compelling, unless you can prove to that individual Buyer that you know and understand ALL of his or her problems -- not just THE problem -- but THEIR unique and personal problems as well.

Those who can sell successfully today are leading experts in many scientific fields: logistics, computer technology, time management, project management, telecommunications, neurolinguistics, industrial design and marketing communication, -- as well as in their customer's behavior and the science that applies to their Client's product and services.

No, it's not the perfect solution -- certainly not in terms of our human and habitual personal feelings -- but then -- this is not a perfect world. If you're both talented and sincere you'd be better served by not taking anyone's word for it (including mine), or wasting any more of your valuable time (or mine) criticizing those who fall short of your ideals.

Be a good Scientist and figure it out for yourself: Ask around. Satisfy yourself. Ask other people who are having success, but take responsibility for yourself and make good decisions for yourself. If the evidence that you collect for your own purposes doesn't support your purposes and ideals -- dump it.... don't go there!

But if it does -- if the evidence you collect is compelling and validating, we'd strongly recommend that you make it your business to associate yourself with a capable Marketing Person or Marketing Team as soon as you can... and, for your own sake, be sure to ask them if they understand what "The New Model for Selling Science" is all about.

Neil Roberts
BMA International



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"The New Model for Selling Science." | Login/Create an Account | 11 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: The New Model for Selling Science. (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Friday, July 08, 2005 @ 10:45:40 UTC
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The biggest obstacle to FE/OU development isn't vested interests or the very greedy.

It is the human inability to "think outside the box" to come up with technology that will contradict a very well founded Laws of Physics.

When it occurs, the higher principles discovered that will make the technology work will have implications far beyond the mere production of energy. It will answer some very important questions about the Universe and the nature of existence itself. It will also give rise to a number of other imponderable questions.

So far, no cracks have shown in the Cosmic Egg that we call our view of the Universe. We all waiting for the New Form to emerge from it.

Re: The New Model for Selling Science. (Score: 1)
by Neil on Saturday, July 09, 2005 @ 03:46:03 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.bmaleaders.com
Thank you. Yes, we can all stand to focus on thinking "outside the box" more often -- especially now. Today's rendition of the "LAWS" of physics falls apart too often to satisfy a true Scientist's search for wholeness and symmetry -- and you're absolutely right, we can't afford to stop until the existing laws are unified into One.

Why don't you start us on that path?

One thing is for sure: The petroleum-based energy supply shortfall is real and growing exponentially.

Prices at the pump will continue to increase, and when prices are high enough, the pressure on both public and private funding will become great enough to fund a concerted and (I feel) successful effort to find new, less expensive and more reliable supplies of energy like ZPE. The work of Tesla and others is more than good enough to get us there if we can learn to work together and speak the same Scientific language.

Why don't you and I start thinking outside the box right now to agree on some more common (and maybe simpler) terms. Let's start by naming the basic (and much smaller) particle that electrons are made of... how about: the "ultimaton" -- has a nice ring to it don't you think? Keep up the good work... Spread the word!

Thanks again.


Re: The New Model for Selling Science. (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Saturday, July 09, 2005 @ 06:19:14 UTC
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The Alchemists that actually pieced together what is today our knowledge of the material world did not have a correct paradigm of what they were actually exploring. They felt the world was only made up of the 4 classic elements, earth ,air, fire ,and water.

Nonetheless they stumbled into discovering elements in the periodic table. They didn't know what they were doing, but that didn't stop them. Modern science owes a great deal to those misguided researchers of medieval times, even though we say from our knowledge today that they were off course.

The important factor is that the Alchemists actually went out and intermingled with the world they wanted to understand. They did things that no one else had tried, some of it pretty bizarre, and most of their discoveries were accidents.

Thats more than likely how a breakthrough in FE/OU will occur. Someone doing something, perhaps unrelated to energy will have a lucky accident.

So the best advice is, explore with an open mind, and leave the baggage of established knowledge behind to lighten your burdens. Be observant and know how to measure, and know what you are measuring.

But most important be truthfull and share your knowledge, unshared knowledge is like a fertile seed that is never planted. It cannot bear fruit unless its in the sunlight.


Re: The New Model for Selling Science. (Score: 1)
by Neil on Saturday, July 09, 2005 @ 07:18:12 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.bmaleaders.com

And your correct paradigm is...

And the experiential basis for your advice is...

And the reason I should listen to your advice is...


Re: The New Model for Selling Science. (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Saturday, July 09, 2005 @ 10:12:45 UTC
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And your correct paradigm is...don't need one, in a fringe area of research like this is, paradigms are just anchors that keep you in the harbor.

And the experiential basis for your advice is...a whole history of experiments gone wrong and accidents that led to new technology. Teflon.. discovered by accident when someone put refrigerant in the wrong type of container, acrylic plastic,found when a beaker stirrer wasn't clean and catalysed an unexpected chemical reaction... Radioactivity, Beckerelle left some fluorescopic ore in the same drawer as undeveloped photographic film.. the list goes on

And the reason I should listen to your advice is... don't listen to anyone... follow your dreams but keep your eyes and your mind open. Do what your gut tells you is right.. you will at least in Edisons' words, find a thousand different things that didn't work, but amoung those thousand different failures one may lead in a direction that may be even more fruitful than your original goal.


Re: The New Model for Selling Science. (Score: 1)
by Neil on Saturday, July 09, 2005 @ 11:28:11 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.bmaleaders.com

Excellent reply... your words couldn't have been said without the experiential wisdom to back then up.

I work in support of good Science, so when someone speaks with authority, but presents no evidence of credentials, I have to ask.

This being the free world of the internet, I have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince... part of the job you could say... just like setting up a series of lab experiments in your world... many failures and disappointments.

My respects sir. Thank you for your time, your advice, and your sincere interest in good science.


Re: The New Model for Selling Science. (Score: 1)
by spacedrive on Sunday, July 10, 2005 @ 10:21:09 UTC
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ZPE research needs angel investors, someone that could afford to spend something on the order of 10 million+ USD to fund a real device for production. The thing is, it will be very difficult to convince anyone with that kind of money to fund it, they would want the inventor to give them a working prototype to test independently. They would probably want a viable business plan as well, just because it produces O/U output doesn't mean it's a usable output, if it produces just a few milliwatts, that's not a commercially viable device if it costs thousands of dollars to produce.

A ZPE device has to overcome the snicker factor and it has to overcome the fraudulence factor, there's been too many ZPE prophets that were frauds and that has poisoned perceptions of the entire field.

Re: The New Model for Selling Science. (Score: 1)
by seanu on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 @ 02:31:10 UTC
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This may sound very nieve, but perhaps inventors / engineers are not attracting the attentions of people that don't mind risking 10/20 million dollars. I (as probably you did) read the article "Space Thrillionaires" in July's Future Energy eNews and thought immediately that these guys have the money to risk, and they will risk it. They would immediately see the massive benefits of undercutting the oil producers, so why aren't they involved? (Perhaps they are, Branson appears to be, your mate Bill Gates could easily afford it too!).

Perhaps its not a question of them refusing the invest, but that they can't see past the nasty fraudster-weeds for the fruitful ZPE-meadows.

If you had 10mill £ to spend on your childhood dream of free energy for all, where would you start?

Or, them that have money to spend on their childhood dream, how could ZPE be useful to them in their persuit, and they don't they know it?

Once we know what you would look for in their shoes, we can work out how to get the investment needed.


Re: The New Model for Selling Science. (Score: 1)
by pulsed_ignition on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 @ 08:01:07 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://diamondlube.com
Maybe someone already has a ZPE tapping technology and nobody wants to listen.

Maybe other peoples plans for profit from ZPE will end with the debut of a successful technology.



Re: The New Model for Selling Science. (Score: 1)
by MrFluxGate on Monday, July 11, 2005 @ 14:32:46 UTC
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Your point is well taken, but slow progress is good progress. Since no one to day has any idea of how to use the "ZPE" effectively, then why rush out and make a fool out of your self.

If you don't have the money to invest, then you can always use time in it's place. After all, the Wright brothers were slow and methodical and look what they did for flight.

In addition, you don’t have to worry about the other inventors or investigators working on the same problem even if they have the funds. If they
are not on the right trail, then it doesn't matter. Their efforts are for "Not".

Re: The New Model for Selling Science. (Score: 1)
by seanu on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 @ 02:34:42 UTC
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Very true. this must be especially true for ZPE as most ideas are not based on accepted scientific theory.



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