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Tom Bearden Website Update
Posted on Tuesday, December 06, 2005 @ 22:37:32 UTC by vlad

General Anthony Craddock writes: A couple of interesting new letters have been added to the Correspondence Section of the Tom Bearden Website at http://www.cheniere.org/correspondence/

And for those of you looking for an interesting Xmas Gift, we have just re mastered a sizzling presentation by Tom about Nikola Tesla, the electrical genius. There are very few people around who REALLY understand what Tesla was doing, and Tom is one of them, as can be seen in the 84 minute DVD "Tom Talks Tesla." http://www.cheniere.org/sales/buy-ttt.htm

"I really enjoyed Tom's account of Tesla and his work. He's one of the clearest and most engaging speakers on scientific subjects that I've heard. (Don't tell him, but I like him better than Carl Sagan.) I can't claim to understand the quaternion electrodynamics or scalar interferometry, but I'm now intrigued. Please send my best wishes to him." - - quote from a tenured Physics Professor after viewing the DVD.

"Oblivion - America at the Brink" has almost sold out the First Printing, so we are also re-printing this immediately. http://www.cheniere.org/sales/buy-ob.htm


Tony Craddock
Web Administrator
The Tom Bearden Website



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Re: Tom Bearden Website Update (Score: 1)
by sparks35 on Wednesday, December 07, 2005 @ 22:03:43 UTC
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The Bearden BS goes into X-Mas mode.

You guys want an X-Mas Gift...???
Here is one that is the dipole "an alternative to the Bearton BS"..



http://www.greenshift.com/ [www.greenshift.com]

These people are Entrepreneurs...they care about "THE CAUSE"...they care about "MONEY"....

U want talk???...Do the Bearden thing.

U want action???...Invest in GREENSHIFT...publicly traded on the Over the Counter Stock Market.

Re: Tom Bearden Website Update (Score: 1)
by nanotech on Thursday, December 08, 2005 @ 19:37:27 UTC
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This company website you offer is well-made but they are somewhat vague with the core technologies they offer. Can you tell us more about them?

Understand that Thomas Bearden is not alone in pointing out fundamental errors in classical electromagnetics. The source charge problem is still there, even if Bearden never came along and so wisely pointed it out. WHERE does the energy behind every electrical charge come from? The quantum aether "vacuum" plenum, ofcourse! Every single electrical charge in the universe is gushing with ether energy. The problem? Ironically, electricity seems to extinguish this flow. This is why Tesla had to use powerful high frequency "bucking fields" to tear the ether energy from the electricity. The power store is in the ether. Electrons act as detritus, manufactured from the aether/ether/spacetime/vacuum flux. The MASS LESS MASS FREE ENERGY WAVES are CONVERTED INTO ELECTRICAL MASS.

A good website to check is: www.massfree.com [www.massfree.com]


Re: Tom Bearden Website Update (Score: 1)
by sparks35 on Friday, December 09, 2005 @ 00:27:36 UTC
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So...I may have this wrong...
I thought Bearden had a US patent on his MEG.
The MEG works...sort of...but not always..depending on some sort of
"hard to define"..."not quite understood"..."needs more work"...sort of thing....
Does Bearden have a paypal account?
He seems to have a bunch of "brainiac" supporters...maybe if we all sent him some cash via Paypal...he could get that MEG upgraded?

Re: Tom Bearden Website Update (Score: 1)
by nanotech on Friday, December 09, 2005 @ 08:56:34 UTC
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When will some of you realize that this is NOT about Tom Bearden, but, about the underlying physics? Bearden is just one individual who has spent many, many years of hard intellectual and physical work to get this information out. Is every single statement he makes in his books, papers, and on his website 100% True? Ofcourse not. Who of us is always totally true on these matters?

You seem to not take into account the clear and present SUPPRESSION, which some people here act is nothing. We cannot get carried away with conspiracy stuff but there is definitely orchestrated, organized suppression as well as plain willful ignorance on the free energy/overunity subject.

Tom Bearden's claims are based on the well-proven Aharanov-Bohm Effect, which PROVES the power of the potential/zero point ether energy and how it can effect the material world around us.

Not many people have a realization of the quantum potential and what it means to these devices.

If our government would spend a mere FRACTION of what it spends on the Tokamak Mafia, and High Energy Particle Physics mafia, and the war in Iraq, a mere FRACTION, we would all have real, working 'free energy devices" and Tesla's Cold Lights, now.


Re: Tom Bearden Website Update (Score: 1)
by sparks35 on Friday, December 09, 2005 @ 22:41:54 UTC
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I defer to all who have followed, fought, studied, Mr. Bearden's accomplishments. The man has made his mark.

Myself, I own no US patents, But I too have ideas and projects "in the works."

For instance, Paraffin Wax...At room temperature it is a solid with a volume of.....lets call it "A"....At about 130 degrees F ..Paraffin Wax melts into a liquid...and its volume increases by 15%..."A" plus 15%

Well...crap...give me a BIC lighter and a hydralic cylinder filled with Paraffin Wax...and I'll lift a frigging house or two. (I don't know enough about the math/etc.  involved to prove it on paper...but I could demonstrate it)


I'm just would like to see one of these patented MEGs keep an LED lit. 




The MEG is Alive and WELL!!!!! (Score: 1)
by vlad on Wednesday, December 14, 2005 @ 21:47:42 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Message: NEC   
   Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 02:59:00 -0500
   From: "Leslie R. Pastor"
Subject: Fw: Bearden's MEG - Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Morning Tom,

I have GREAT news........... the MEG is Alive and WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!

All the Best,
Leslie R. Pastor

----- Original Message -----
From: JNaudin
To: lrpastor
Cc: soliton
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 2:47 AM
Subject: Re: Bearden's MEG

Dans un e-mail daté du 13/12/2005 04:51:02 Paris, Madrid, lrpastor@optonline.net a écrit :

>  Good Evening Jean-Louis Naudin,

>  I spent an hour talking with Tom Bearden on the phone regarding the MEG and related technologies.  All three (3) demonstrator MEG models have been destroyed by electrical engineers.  Do you still have your MEG demonstrator available? If you do.  I would like to see it.

>  All the Best,
>  Leslie R. Pastor

Dear Leslie,

Yes, my MEG is still fully operational and works also well.

Today, I can say about my MEG replication that :
- the Bearden's MEG works as claimed in his paper,
- I have been able to replicate the output waves presented in his paper and in his patent,
- the "apparent" COP that I have measured is fully in line with the claim

Differents measurement methods and equipments have been already used :
- A full calibrated Tektronix THS720P digital oscilloscope in 2000,
- A PM3215 2x50 Mhz Philips analog scope with 1/10 corrected probes in 2002,
- A Fluke 123 digital oscilloscope with a current clamp CIE CA-60 in 2003.
The results are still same... The probes calibration have been checked and re-checked each time before and after the measurements. All the measurements that I have done on the MEG are reals... I have used high tech equipement fully calibrated ( at the tests date ), so the measured values are corrects.

Unfortunatelly, I have not yet succeeded in the closed loop and in spite of the "apparent" power measured, the RLoad resistor doesn't heat up too much, it is only a bit warm. I think that it still remain a possibility of a measurement artifact ( not a measurement error ). ... A COP >>1 will be fully confirmed only with a closed loop and a self-running device...

Jean-Louis Naudin
Web site : http://www.jlnlabs.org [www.jlnlabs.org]


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