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SOLID STATE ELECTRIC GENERATOR U.S. Patent Pending by Magnetic Power Inc.
Posted on Thursday, June 29, 2006 @ 19:10:21 UTC by vlad
Overtone writes: "Ere many generations pass,
our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the
universe... It is a mere question of time when men will succeed in attaching
their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature."
Nikola Tesla 1891-
Magnetic Power Inc. (MPI)
is harnessing the organized motion of subatomic particles, which are
responsible for the force of magnetism. Magnets create their attractive and
repulsive forces due to the constant circulatory orbit of electrons within
certain elements which are ferromagnetic (including iron, cobalt, nickel, and
gadolinium). This ceaseless rotation already exists. It is the very force that
makes a magnet a magnet. MPI is developing technologies which tap into this
internal subatomic motion, and make it available to do work in our everyday
Magnetism has been used to generate electricity for over 100 years. But the approaches that have been used do not allow the ceaseless orbital motion hidden within ferromagnetic atoms to perform useful work. The necessary work of rotation, generating the electricity, has traditionally been sourced by other means, which today have become nuclear, natural-gas, hydroelectric and coal-driven turbines. An assumption has grown, that such brute sources of motion are necessary to cause magnetism to generate electricity. To date, there has been very little scientific focus on the use of the subatomic rotation within magnetic elements themselves, which causes their magnetism in the first place. It isn't necessary to consume limited natural resources to produce the spinning motion. Ceaseless rotation is a natural resource in its own right, on a sub-atomic scale but existing everywhere, in accordance with quantum physical laws. The motion is permanent. Mankind cannot hope to ever exhaust it.
Following is a description of one of several technologies being developed by Magnetic Power. A U.S. patent application is pending covering this invention. Patent applications that are filed internationally are published 18 months after filing. The application covering this invention is a public document at the end of July, 2006.
Conventional electric motors, and conventional electric generators both work the same way. The principle is identical, and in fact most generators can run as motors, and most electrical motors have the ability to generate electricity, as well.
This great versatility has led to an unfortunate situation, however. When a generator produces electricity, it acts as a pump. For example light bulbs, batteries, and household appliances always have at least two prongs, or contacts. This allows electricity to both enter and exit the device, in order to flow through it and perform work. Like a flow of water, electricity is being recirculated in an endless loop, through a closed circuit. The electric current eventually flows back into the generator for recirculation.
This returning electric current enters the generator just as if it were entering a motor. In an electric motor, current enters at a higher voltage than the exiting current. This causes the motor's rotation to accelerate, or to push forward. In generators however, returning current enters at a lower voltage than exiting current. This produces not a push, but a pull: the generator's rotation decelerates. By pushing like a motor in reverse, the generator paradoxically acts as a brake to its own forward motion. The more current the generator produces, the stronger this braking action or "pull backwards" becomes. Massive amounts of coal, natural gas, and other resources are used today, to propel giant turbines, which have become necessary to keep utility generators turning against their own braking action. This combined braking action has become absolutely immense, considering the total electric current flowing into and out of the combined homes and businesses of a neighborhood, a state, or our continent as a whole.
Typically, electricity generation is referred to by the resource being consumed. There are hydropower, nuclear power, coal and natural gas-fired generator plants. But in any of these cases, the generators ultimately producing electric current is basically the same. Their principle of design has not changed for over 100 years.
MPI has developed one type of electrical generator which simply cannot act as a motor. Because of the inability of this generator to produce mechanical force at all, the electric current returning to it from a closed circuit (for example, after use in a light bulb) cannot cause the generator to act as a motor in reverse, or to "pull backwards" in the reverse direction. The generator simply spins in a manner similar to a flywheel. No braking action is ultimately present.
Owing to the inability to produce negative torque, a mechanical prototype of this generator would continue turning with very little positive torque being applied. The necessity for massive consumption of natural resources was removed, simply by redesigning the generator producing the current.
Instead of depending on massive mechanical torque to produce electricity, this type of generator instead produces electricity in an amount proportional to the speed of rotation. The faster the generator is spinning the greater the amount of electricity produced. There are limits however, to how fast a physical object can spin before centrifugal forces tear it apart.
In order to surmount this difficulty, MPI has developed a version of this generator which produces a spinning magnetic field without using moving parts at all. Since nothing is spinning but magnetic field energy, which is not a solid object, the rotational speeds which determine the generator's output become essentially unlimited.
Following construction of a successful prototype, a U.S. patent application was filed covering this advanced electrical generator. The absence of any mechanical motion (aside from that occurring within the magnetic atoms of the device) lends this Solid State Electric Generator to both modularization and miniaturization. These devices may be produced in standard sizes, which are rated with a given power capacity. Several identical units of this type of Magnetic Power Module™ can be combined to produce the amount of energy desired. This is analogous to combining photovoltaic cells. However, Magnetic Power Modules can operate around the clock, every day of the year.
The technology is amenable to miniaturization. The same processes currently used to manufacture computer chips can be used to produce devices of similarly tiny size, including versions with a shape and function identical to standard alkaline battery sizes.
Mark Goldes Chairman & CEO Magnetic Power Inc.
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"SOLID STATE ELECTRIC GENERATOR U.S. Patent Pending by Magnetic Power Inc." | Login/Create an Account | 15 comments | Search Discussion |
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Re: SOLID STATE ELECTRIC GENERATOR U.S. Patent Pending by Magnetic Power Inc. (Score: 1) by seanu on Friday, June 30, 2006 @ 05:12:44 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | and the cost for a standard alkaline battery sized power module is? How about a standard nokia phone battery? and IBM thinkpad battery?
I'll look forward to the end of July to read the patent. Have you got the number so we can keep an eye on it? |
Re: SOLID STATE ELECTRIC GENERATOR U.S. Patent Pending by Magnetic Power Inc. (Score: 1) by Overtone on Friday, June 30, 2006 @ 15:13:44 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | Prices will be determined by licensees who manufacture.
This will be a published patent application. It does not become a
patent unless and until issued by the USPTO. The Application
Number will be published by the USPTO when it becomes a public
You have the Title and the Assignee. That should make it easy to find with a bit of effort.
June/July good monthes in the ZPE research field!! (Score: 1) by Sigma on Saturday, July 01, 2006 @ 15:00:30 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | I love the scalability of the VPF modules, it makes me excited to think that soon I may have a car and a phone that never need to be recharged!
In addition to Mark's announcement there have been four major developements this month(June):
1.) Kiril Chukanov's ball lightning research has been given major funding. 2.) Eddie Sines has developed a ZPE device that uses LN2, and is currently finishing a proto-type. 3.) Mark Tomion has successfully "lit" his electronic dynamo technology, which taps into the ZPE field. 4.) Mark Goldes' company is making headway with their VPF technology.
These breakthroughs maybe the turning point for the planet. Hopefully within the year production will begin on one or more of the said devices.
Re: SOLID STATE ELECTRIC GENERATOR U.S. Patent Pending by Magnetic Power Inc. (Score: 1) by Sigma on Friday, June 30, 2006 @ 12:20:13 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Congratulations on the patent! I hope the funding scene picks up after the patent is open to the public.
Re: SOLID STATE ELECTRIC GENERATOR U.S. Patent Pending by Magnetic Power Inc. (Score: 1) by Overtone on Friday, June 30, 2006 @ 15:17:05 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | Until it is issued by the USPTO, this is not a Patent. It is a patent application.
Thanks for the good wishes.
Re: SOLID STATE ELECTRIC GENERATOR U.S. Patent Pending by Magnetic Power Inc. (Score: 1) by ryandinan on Friday, June 30, 2006 @ 14:22:02 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | So.... this is essentially (and successfully) tapping "ZPE"? No traditional fuel required to make it run?
Sounds amazing, if true!
Re: SOLID STATE ELECTRIC GENERATOR U.S. Patent Pending by Magnetic Power Inc. (Score: 1) by Overtone on Friday, June 30, 2006 @ 15:26:29 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | We believe at the moment that it is tapping Virtual Photon Flux.
As we learn more about this new science, this may trn out to be a
variation of ZPE. In any event it seems just as abundant, and
easier to utilize than the Casimir Force, which clearly is ZPE.
But, you are correct that no traditional fuel is required.
It is amazing and true.
But, we expect it will not be believed by those with science or
engineering background, until they can examine a Demonstration
With sufficient support desktop Demonstration Devices miht be ready for
production, by one or more manufacturers, by the end of this year.
Re: SOLID STATE ELECTRIC GENERATOR U.S. Patent Pending by Magnetic Power Inc. (Score: 1) by Sigma on Saturday, July 01, 2006 @ 00:36:44 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | So how does this announcement fit into your plans on the VPF devices? Does this announcement mean that the time for action is at(almost) at hand?
Re: Re: SOLID STATE ELECTRIC GENERATOR U.S. Patent Pending by Magnetic Power Inc. (Score: 1) by Overtone on Saturday, July 01, 2006 @ 10:26:19 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | This is a VPF device.
Depending on the availability of adequate funding and good fortune with
lab experiments, it could become a near term Demonstration Device and
an early product.
Re: SOLID STATE ELECTRIC GENERATOR U.S. Patent Pending by Magnetic Power Inc. (Score: 1) by pulsed_ignition on Sunday, July 02, 2006 @ 07:35:46 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://diamondlube.com | If Mark cannot get someone to fund development of his ZPE device, I have a device already, as I have said for many years now. I will prove it taps the ZPF under contract for funding, as I have always said.
The device can be viewed in operation and the final event is the tapping of the field and release of a pulse of energy (or inter-dimensional energy) greater than the amount of energy required to operate the device.
Many people are attempting to duplicate this device, and if care is not taken - it can be extremely dangerous and is nothing to play with. Again, it works right now and does NOT require funding to produce the prototype. Funding is required to maximize the effect and ensure it can be operated safely.
Chris Arnold |
Re: Re: SOLID STATE ELECTRIC GENERATOR U.S. Patent Pending by Magnetic Power Inc. (Score: 1) by Overtone on Sunday, July 02, 2006 @ 10:38:46 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | MPI has secured funding for completion of the prototype program.
One prototype of the patent pending device demonstrated far more output
than input back in December of 2004. The gain was great enough to
indicate this invention will self sustain and produce substantial
useful additional output in the near future.
Additional funding is sought in order to accelerate commercial production by licensees as rapidly as possible.
Potential Strategic Partners from several countries are visiting our
labs and discussing license and investment opportunities.
Mark Goldes
Chairman & CEO
Magnetic Power Inc.
GICs power from Gaia (Score: 1) by aleatha on Monday, July 03, 2006 @ 09:43:37 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Although the fashionable modern trend of dismissing all stories as fables is in vogue. their is a fun Greek story I thought of while reading on GICs on the trans-alaska pipeline (geo-magnetic induced currents) there was a son of Gaea one of the Titans who according to the pro-zeus story was an "enemy combatant" and needed to be taken down. unfortunately he had the ability to draw power from Gaea via physical contact with the earth. in order to kill him he had to be killed while lifted off the ground. now everyone knows that the magnetosphere pulses from impact with from the solar wind. the energy in kilometer wide plasma waves is in the ELF range. you need a really long antenna like a rail-road tie,powerline,or pipeline to see this and you can read all the reports online. EVERYONE OF THESE SYSTEMS RECIVES FREE ENERGY FROM THE EARTH. funny huh? free energy all you need is a long conductor. this is where it gets sad. all the reports and studies on GICs are on engineering ways to STOP them. they are considered a nuisance. stupid stupid humans. can't tell monkey crap from diamonds. even worse you don't need to even make these huge conductors to tap GICs. the OCEAN is a huge GIC reciever covering 75% of earth. so please lets not pretend in these things that free energy needs to be "discovered" it has been for centuries. |
Re: GICs power from Gaia and ELF's (Score: 1) by modernsteam on Saturday, July 15, 2006 @ 20:19:35 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | I'm studying electrical physics (and Newtonian mechanics, and the
periodic table again) now, including the basics of radio, which
itself includes electromagnetic transmission and reception, and yes,
Extra-Low-Frequency or ELF waves too.
From what I've read, you're right, in that *normally*, several-km.-long
aerials, ie., antennae, are required even for a 1/4-wave
transmission/pickup of ELF waves. However, as I understand interferometry, we
can get those extra-long 1/4 waves via beat frequencies, analogous to
the "reverberant" sounds we get with badly-tuned pianos and 12-stringed
guitars. So, by playing off one high-freqency EM wave motion
against another one of a slightly different freqency, and
subtracting the smaller from the larger wave motion, could
we not get that Extra-Low beat frequency wave motion, and thus, our ELF
wave? In order to do that, would we not also be dealing with the
longitudinal Whittaker waves of the vacuum of space?
Hal Ade
Re: Re: GICs power from Gaia and ELF's (Score: 1) by aleatha on Friday, July 21, 2006 @ 17:44:23 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | or as in AM radio a circuit is made to oscillate at the frequency thus absorbing said frequency from other sources too. you can cut out ALL the complexity though if you use the ocean as your natural ELF antenna. don't need a big or difficult antenna or complex electronics. i once infuriated a GE executive by ataching a high capatinance zener diode accross and abandoned railway track to recharge any of the batteries he brought. (each rail became the half wave absorbing higher range ELF from north american thunderstorms) i even brought early scienctific americans that discussed "anomalies" in long distance telegraphy lines. like the discovery that over long distances BATTERIES WERE NOT NEEDED TO MAINTAIN ELECTRIFICATION!! it also works extremely well on the trans-alaska pipeline. engineers complain about the currents on it causeing corrosion. (like complaing gold is heavy) anyway to make a sea based system. a large rod of magntized iron is wrapped with a mile of insulated wire the iron is in electrical contact with the sea. an elevated metal plate faces the sun top of which covered by insulator. the plate should be 30 meters above the surface. this forms the dipole that takes ELF from your ocean antenna. |
Re: SOLID STATE ELECTRIC GENERATOR U.S. Patent Pending by Magnetic Power Inc. (Score: 1) by sdkeywords on Monday, July 05, 2010 @ 04:09:54 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | A solid-state electric generators [www.electricgeneratorsets.com]
is a generator that uses a gain medium but has no moving parts.
Semiconductor-based generators, among other classes, are in the solid
state. |