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Nikola Tesla's 'Black Magic' Touring Car
Posted on Wednesday, July 12, 2006 @ 21:45:36 UTC by vlad

General By EV World / July 11, 2006

Did Nikola Tesla really run a touring sedan on free energy?

In the summer of 1931, Nikola Tesla, the inventor of alternating current and the holder of some 1200 other U.S. patents, along with his nephew Peter Savo, installed a box on the front seat of a brand new Pierce-Arrow touring car at the company factory in Buffalo, New York. The box is said to have been 24 inches long, 12 inches wide and 6 inches high. Out of it protruded a 1.8 meter long antenna and two ¼ inch metal rods. Inside the box was reputed to be some dozen vacuum tubes -- 70-L-7 type -- and other electrical parts. Two wire leads ran from the box to a newly-installed 40 inch long, 30 inch diameter AC motor that replaced the gasoline engine.

As the story goes, Tesla inserted the two metal rods and announced confidently, "We now have power" and then proceeded to drive the car for a week, "often at speeds of up to 90 mph." One account says the motor developed 1,800 rpm and got fairly hot when operating, requiring a cooling fan. The "converter" box is said to have generated enough electrical energy to also power the lights in a home. ...

Read the rest of the article here: Nikola Tesla



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"Nikola Tesla's 'Black Magic' Touring Car" | Login/Create an Account | 6 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Nikola Tesla's 'Black Magic' Touring Car (Score: 1)
by hackwrench on Thursday, July 13, 2006 @ 12:42:34 UTC
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"The car is said to have ended up on a farm 20 miles outside of Buffalo, 'not far from Niagra Falls.'"
Well then, the car can be searched for.

Re: Nikola Tesla's 'Black Magic' Touring Car (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Friday, July 14, 2006 @ 10:35:33 UTC
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Here's a hint, the 1.8 meter long antenna, multiply by four to get the resonant wavelength of the energy that Tesla was picking up, 7.2 meters. This device was probably picking up power transmitted from a 30 MHz Tesla Coil transmitting somewhere in the area.

Re: Re: Nikola Tesla's 'Black Magic' Touring Car (Score: 1)
by malc on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 @ 00:13:41 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley
It takes a lot of energy to drive a car. If that amount of power was being transmitted then I'd expect the surrounding area to suffer somewhat. In addition since a car is a faraday cage (albeit an imperfect one) the signal strength would have to be even greater.


Re: Re: Re: Nikola Tesla's 'Black Magic' Touring Car (Score: 1)
by nanotech on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 @ 21:04:44 UTC
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Tesla's device was most likely tapping into the aether/zero point radiation energy.

He himself said as much. The primary solar rays.


Re: Nikola Tesla's 'Black Magic' Touring Car (Score: 1)
by aleatha on Friday, July 21, 2006 @ 18:04:33 UTC
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Tesla did not need such trickery. like da vinci he observed nature to understand it's workings. here is your observation: in the dead of winter with no solar output in the form of visible sunshine a tree remains alive even when the temp decreases to below zero and it's cells should freeze and rupture causeing death. no leaves take sun. it's decidious and bare for the winter. how does it live? what prevents cell death? electrostatic potential! you can see the tree-preserving power by making an expierment: take a big nail drive it into the ground atach a wire from the nail to a postive terminal of a lawn mower battery.now take a metal plate insulated from the ground and atach a wire to it. now that same wire goes to the negative battery terminal. put a candle under the metal plate (sun substitute). discharge the battery as you will and notice how this system restores energy to the battery. the tree is doing the same by using itself as a bipolar carbon antenna. the tree grows in dendritic patterns to maximize surface area per given volume. energy is abundant in the universe. tesla's car just plugged into it. if you doubt the abundance or usefulness of the energy just look how widespread plants are.

Re: Re: Nikola Tesla's 'Black Magic' Touring Car (Score: 1)
by nanotech on Saturday, July 22, 2006 @ 13:07:51 UTC
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E X A C T L Y ! The universe is BRIMMING and SEETHING with energy.
all we need to do is learn to make the right devices to tap it.

What is really sad is that many people for some reason think "All free energy devices are godless affronts to the universal work ethic!" I met someone online the other day who had this view. In his view, to even speak of free energy or ultra cheap energy or nanotech devices or robots that can do labors for man, is to encourage laziness and idleness.



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