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Solid State Electric Generator (MPI) U.S. Patent Application Published
Posted on Thursday, July 27, 2006 @ 23:36:03 UTC by vlad
The application covering this invention was filed January 27, 2005. It became a public document today, July 27th, 2006.
Mark Goldes writes: Hi Vlad ...In the article about it, there is a link on our website to a pdf file of the Application.
Feel free to post the Application.
Warm regards,
Mark Goldes Chairman & CEO Magnetic Power Inc. Room Temperature Superconductors Inc. 301A North Main Street P.O. Box 880 Sebastopol, CA 95473
707 829-9391 707 280-8210 cellular 707 829-1002 fax
MPI source: http://magneticpowerinc.com/patent.html (original text : MPI Patent Application)
(the pdf file is also available in our Downloads/ZPE-related section - Vlad)
A solid-state electrical generator including at least one permanent magnet, magnetically coupled to a ferromagnetic core provided with at least one hole penetrating its volume; the hole(s) and magnet(s) being placed such that the hole(s) penetrating the ferromagnetic core's volume intercept flux from the permanent magnet(s) coupled into the ferromagnetic core. A first wire coil is wound around the ferromagnetic core for the purpose of moving the coupled permanent magnet flux within the ferromagnetic core. A second wire is routed through the hole(s) penetrating the volume of the ferromagnetic core, for the purpose of intercepting this moving magnetic flux, thereby inducing an output electromotive force. A changing voltage applied to the first wire coil causes coupled permanent magnet flux to move within the core relative to the hole(s) penetrating the core volume, thus inducing electromotive force along wire(s) passing through the hole(s) in the ferromagnetic core. The mechanical action of an electrical generator is thereby synthesized without use of moving parts.
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"Solid State Electric Generator (MPI) U.S. Patent Application Published" | Login/Create an Account | 24 comments | Search Discussion |
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Re: Solid State Electric Generator (MPI) U.S. Patent Application Published (Score: 1) by techmac on Friday, July 28, 2006 @ 16:01:43 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.geocities.com/mgmlab04 | Ferromagnetics comes out on top again and proves to be a key in OU energy generation. Very interesting core, windings and magnet placements. Congratulations to your company Mark and the inventor Graham Gunderson. Because of similarities between the Bearden MEG and your generator, it will be of great interest for the world to see which turns out to be the most easily manufactured and energetic device.
Thanks TechMac |
Re: Solid State Electric Generator (MPI) U.S. Patent Application Published (Score: 1) by Koen on Friday, July 28, 2006 @ 23:28:37 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla | This device does not make use of the magical ultra-conductor material. Why not? This patent does not make any sense, considering all previous MPI claims. So why the sudden deviation from the development of an energy producing machine based on ultra-conductors?
Re: Ultraconductors (Score: 1) by Overtone on Saturday, July 29, 2006 @ 04:04:01 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | Wire made of Ultraconductors(tm) is an $18 million, three year, program - that is awaiting funding.
Once wire is in production, motors and generators will be designed to utilize it. We are eager to do so.
Ultraconductors conduct at least 100,000 times better than gold, silver
or copper. With copper in short supply and very expensive at
present, these materials could be welcomed for many applications,
including transmission lines.
These polymer materials are made from atactic polymers, often discarded as waste material by the plastic industry.
Magnetic Power Modules(tm) can be manufactured using presently
available materials. With the urgent need, given the present
energy problems, there is every reason to start with what can be done
Future motors and generators will feature many improvements based on new materials, certainly including Ultraconductors.
Re: Re: Ultraconductors (Score: 1) by Sigma on Saturday, July 29, 2006 @ 04:39:18 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | So now that this has been published, what it the next plan of attack? Are you to the stage where you can begin licensing the Magnetic Power Modules, or have they yet to be self-sustaining, and if so is it because of the loses do to the material, i.e. Copper? Have you thought about using a common HTSC instead or would that completely destroy the setup(sorry I quickly read the patent application)? |
MPI DEVICE (Score: 1) by aleatha on Saturday, July 29, 2006 @ 05:19:56 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | i agree with the observation on it's similarity to the MEG. the coils are both on a ferromagnetic core and at 90 degrees to each other. an input power is needed. and a magnetic field is made to move without physically moving a magnet. interesting diffrences as well. the output coil is actually IN the ferromagnetic material. and high permeability nanocrystaline core seems to be encouraged but not needed. one thing not made clear to me from the patent was if the magnets are actually in contact with the core or just their magnetic flux is. if not in physical contact that is another interesting diffrence. the similarities are quite striking though in fact like bearden's similarity to flynn. a case could be made for derivative work unless it can be shown that important diffrences in operation as a result of design modification. i am actually going to check bearden's page and see if he is currently engulfed in rage. :-) |
Re: MPI Magnetic Power Modules(tm) (Score: 1) by Overtone on Saturday, July 29, 2006 @ 08:16:24 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | License discussions are under way with organizations in several countries.
Ordinary copper wire, not superconductors, is used in these
generators. Copper will be used in all our devices, until
Ultraconductors(tm) become available.
Re: Re: MPI Magnetic Power Modules(tm) (Score: 1) by Joakim on Wednesday, August 02, 2006 @ 06:01:37 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | This is my first comment here, and my first contact really with these devices. I've looked over some clips and images, mainly at google video, and I've been pretty amazed as well as sceptical towards these devices.
I like this one because it seems so cheap to build - even something I could manage to make - and it has no moving parts, just a moving magnetic field.
My first impression is that i LOOKS like a device made by a disputed character called Steven Marks (I've not seen any schematics though, and his device was wrapped in electrical tape). From what I've been able to gather, he seems to be running a fraud... But that's based on mailing list archives from the late 90's.
Are there any photos/videos of this device in action?
Re: MPI Magnetic Power Modules(tm) (Score: 1) by Overtone on Wednesday, August 02, 2006 @ 06:59:16 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | These Modules will indeed be cost competitive.
However, they are not simple to build if self-sustaining operation is
the objective, as it must be for commercial markets.
We cannot comment on the proprietary factors that make that so, but
they will be revealed when the final version of the patent is issued.
Our generator has no connection whatsoever to Steven Marks or his device.
Re: Re: MPI Magnetic Power Modules(tm) (Score: 1) by Joakim on Wednesday, August 02, 2006 @ 07:23:14 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Thanks for the quick answer!
" they are not simple to build if self-sustaining operation is
the objective"
Pardon my ignorance, but what do you mean exactly by "self-sustaining"? Do you mean that you cut input power and the device keeps going anyway?
Another question while I'm at it. In the patent application you mention the fact that the magnets are depleted after a very long time of operation. It would be nice to get some idea of what a very long time means. Is it one day, one week... That would be a crucial part of the usefulness of a device like this, right?
I would love to try and assemble a thing like this, if it's allowed, but the transformer circuit seems a little bit too complicated for me.
Re: MPI Magnetic Power Modules(tm) (Score: 1) by Overtone on Wednesday, August 02, 2006 @ 13:20:02 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | All MPI products are designed to convert vacuum energy. This is a
huge energy reservoir that, evidence suggests, was successfully tapped by Hans Coler in
Germany (see the British intelligence Report).
It is usually called Zero Point Energy. When converted
magnetically, we belive it more accurate to call it Virtual Photon Flux.
These are self-starting and self-sustaining inventions. They
provide their own input power and the devices should keep running
Permanent magnets are not demagnetized by use in these
inventions. The magnets slowly deplete, but not noticably in a
human lifetime of say 100 years.
Eventually, kits will probably be manufactured by licensees. These are very difficult devices to build correctly.
Re: Re: MPI Magnetic Power Modules(tm) (Score: 1) by Joakim on Wednesday, August 02, 2006 @ 14:23:46 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Thanks for the clear answers!
I'll continue asking questions, it's just so interesting, and if you become fed-up with me - just let me know and I'll give you a rest. :-)
1. What would you say is the most difficult part of the production of one of these? I'm assuming that these are all hand-built in this stage of development.
Having read the complete patent paper I'm still...qurious about the statement that you can use almost any type of magnet in any type of shape with almost any type of wiring (of course not ANY messy wiring, but it seems very adaptable).
provide their own input power and the devices should keep running
indefinately." 2. How do you generate a squarewave without supplying power from an outside force?
3. If we take the circular-shaped device depicted in the patent, assuming it's about as big as a hand, how much voltage/amps or watts do you actually generate? ( I've recently built a microphone pre-amp that runs on 9volt batteries and it would be lovely to simply have one of these instead :) )
4. Do you have any sort of remote hunch as to when this device might start to be produced for consumers?
Thanks again, it's a real privilige to be able to speak to someone who's involved in this first hand!
Re: MPI Magnetic Power Modules(tm) (Score: 1) by Overtone on Wednesday, August 02, 2006 @ 21:24:16 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | As I stated earlier, answers to technical questions are not possible at this time..
They will have to wait until the patent is issued, and/or Demonstration Devices are available for purchase.
Re: Re: MPI Magnetic Power Modules(tm) (Score: 1) by JackFrost on Sunday, August 27, 2006 @ 07:47:01 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Overtone,
Congratulations on the patent application.
I would think that this generator would be "no larger" than the conventional generators.
Will automobiles and planes be running on this type of generator in the near future or is this device more suitable as a replacement for batteries?
Best Regards
Re: Running cars and planes on MPI Magnetic Power Modules(tm) (Score: 1) by Overtone on Sunday, August 27, 2006 @ 15:56:13 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | MPI presently has six solid-state and six rotary systems in our development program, with more in the wings.
We intend to replace the plug on a plug-in hybrid, such as a Prius, by the end of 2007.
We should be able to replace a car engine on a prototype basis by the end of 2008.
Cars could be coming off assembly lines powered by Magnetic Power Modules(tm) as early as 2010.
Aircraft will follow once relaibility is demonstrated.
Re: Re: Running cars and planes on MPI Magnetic Power Modules(tm) (Score: 1) by JackFrost on Monday, August 28, 2006 @ 08:39:06 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Thanks for the look ahead.
I can't wait for the day that I pull into a gas station and gas is back down to 25 cents because no one uses it.
Re: Re: MPI Magnetic Power Modules(tm) (Score: 1) by aleatha on Wednesday, August 02, 2006 @ 07:45:29 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | huh? what was that? confirmation of my earlier comments on severly flawed humanity? "if overunity is the objective it is hard to build" gee i was going to build one as a coffee table ornament! overunity was secondary. also what is this about proprietary data on overunity being erased? getting kind of tired about secret overunity crap. look people you want free power? make a thermoacoustic stirling engine. you can make it yourself with none of this secret crap. or use a low speed magnetic bearing wind turbine on the roof. plasmatic energy? thorium power? ocean energy? just ask me and i will tell you how to build it yourself. FOR FREE. unlike our secretive "friends" the goal isn't money. secrets are selfish. |
Re: MPI Magnetic Power Modules(tm) (Score: 1) by Overtone on Wednesday, August 02, 2006 @ 13:29:25 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | There are many sources of conventional renewable power. There are
few that offeer the potential to replace fossil and nuclear
Human life on this planet may have a 5 to 10 year window in which to dramatically reduce carbon production.
Magnetic Power Modules(tm) are emerging after 22 years of work by Magnetic Power Inc.
The patent system is designed to encourage mass production and offer
hope of compensation to people who have created inventions and brought tem to market.
Without patent protection mass production will not occur.
Survival of humanity demands mass production of revolutionary new technology that does not produce carbon.
MPI Magnetic Power Modules(tm) (Score: 1) by aleatha on Thursday, August 03, 2006 @ 05:23:40 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | i disagree. when matches ("lucifers") were first made in the nice strike anywhere form the inventor made the formula public domain. any company could make it and it INCREASED mass production. i would like to see the evidence that the satanic system of proprietary knowledge actually increases the mass production capability. this assertion of secrets being needed to make enough of the device seems like a red herring of the REAL motive. control of the technology. so as i have said anyone who actually wants free power and today (not at an indefinite and easily moved up constantly to secure funding date.) talk to me or someone who can tell you the FULL data on technology so you can make it yourself. BTW that virtual photon flux you are converting is self-aware. i hope for your sake it does not share my views on parasitic capitalism. what if it decided to hold you personally accountable for EVERY death from now on due to high energy prices and poverty? (both of which are instantly solved by your secret machine) in the hindu system you would be lucky to come back as a worm. and as for christainity JC's reaction to the money-changers in the temple is what you could expect. in fact only satanism of all the world's religons would approve of your actions. maybe you will get lucky maybe the ZPE resembles satan the most. the lack of perfection in your machines though suggests that the ZPE is not thrilled with you. |
Re: MPI Magnetic Power Modules(tm) (Score: 1) by Joakim on Thursday, August 03, 2006 @ 05:59:46 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | "BTW that virtual photon flux you are converting is self-aware."
Great, so now we can carry with us a powersource for our iPods AND have someone to chat with when we're bored with the music...
MPI Magnetic Power Modules 2 (Score: 1) by aleatha on Thursday, August 03, 2006 @ 05:53:18 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Plato had many diffrent thought expierments in the republic and timiaes. a reccuring theme in the dialouges was the nature of an ideal society. Plato belived in the benevolent despot model in which a wise philosopher king had total control of society and ruled with advanced judgement for the best intrest of the citizenry. why? what was the reason he did not favor democracy? he says why: "democracy is the tyranny of the majority" meaning that the people will be selfish and unwise in government. a spiritually advandced person was needed in his system to insure justice for all. sadly his ideas were used to prop up "represenative democracy" in which the people did not rule directly but by proxy. this was and is second only to a malevolent dictatorship in terms of total evil. every such system on earth has created a plutocracy as representives get bought off. this money talks system is what creates things like MPI (money over people inc.) the more a society worships wealth, and america serves mammon of that there is no doubt, the further it gets from the ideal republic and the more it resmbles plato's description of the spiritual decadence of Atlantis. i see in the worship of wealth as evidenced by MPI's selfishness the worst of the sins that culminated in atlantis's destruction. for those christains reading this. here is a point JC made on the pharisees: "they who view the gold of the temple as making it sacred instead of the temple making the gold sacred" yeah spooky isn't it? apparantly MPI's spriritual brethren have been around along time. so caiphas when is that patent disclosure coming? |
Re: MPI Magnetic Power Modules (Score: 1) by Overtone on Thursday, August 03, 2006 @ 10:33:56 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | In Plato's Republic there is a description of a cave underground.
Everybody living in the cave believes the flickering shadows, projected on a wall by a
fire, are in fact the real world. One brave soul leaves the cave
and discovers how incorrect these perceptions happen to be, when the
actual universe in all its splendor is revealed. MPI is the
commercial affiliate of the non-profit Aesop Institute. See the
article entitled Bridgewalk on this site, or on our website, for a more
accurate perception of what we are about. The self-certain
arrogance of the comment above is reflective of a problem that
permeates every field of human endeavor. The planet has become a
free university. Anyone who has learned how to learn, can now
pursue any subject, and reach their own conclusions. MPI and its
predecessor, SunWind Ltd., were only begun when it became clear that the
non-profit organization could not attract sufficient funds to develop
the technology we are now bringing forward.
Re: Re: MPI Magnetic Power Modules (Score: 1) by aleatha on Thursday, August 03, 2006 @ 19:17:36 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | yes. a very good concept of the world also espoused by the hindus through "maya" meaning "grand illusion of the world" (maya is the same indoeuropean root as the modern word matrix BTW) i had actually forgotten about your origins at the aesop institute. made the plato argument even funnier. non-profits can develop sufficent funds. definitely non-profits with connections to the proven ultraconductor tech. venture capitalists are quite POURING money into alternative energy thanks to the gas spikes. as for the other guy's ipod comments you should look up the parapsychology work of Sir William Crookes. he was a correspondence friend of Tesla's and had very interesting methods for science. |
Re: MPI and Venture Capital (Score: 1) by Overtone on Thursday, August 03, 2006 @ 22:24:26 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | I was the founder and CEO of an economic consulting firm before becoming involved
in the full-time work of finding an alternative to fossil and uranium
fuels in 1973. One of our clients was a part of the Commerce
Department, which asked us to help seek a way to end a severe shortage
of venture capital in the U.S. back then. We discovered venture
capitalists were not very venturesome. Solar cells are a perfect
example. It is only in the last three years that substantial
venture capital has gone into firms in that business. Yet,
photovoltaic cells were invented decades earlier. Many a solar
company went bankrupt due to the inability to find venture
capital. No venture money, nada, has yet gone into cutting edge
new science, such as cold fusion or vacuum energy conversion.
However, cold fusion has been reproduced in dozens of labs including
SRI International supported by the Department of Defense. The
U.S. Navy has acknowledged they have successfully done cold fusion for
a dozen years. As for funding new science in the non-profit
sector, that has not happened either. Aesop Institute used to get
donations of $5,000 from the investment manager for the late Charlie Schultz, the cartoonist who
drew Peanuts. Once we had a commercial affiliate, the first check
was for $50,000 and another for the same amount arrived the following
year. Ironically, we are finally talking with a couple of venture
firms. Note that this conversation began more than 20 years after
we started MPI. It remains to be seen if they offer term
sheets that are fair and equitable. That is not usually
characteristic of venture capital. We hope we have found a
couple of exceptions.
MPI and Venture Capital (Score: 1) by aleatha on Friday, August 04, 2006 @ 14:25:18 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | to be sure venture capitalists are lazy and greedy creatures (capitalist=cannibal) all you have to do is use there own evil against them. their biggest fear is being upstaged and missing the bandwagon. therefore you say to firm B that firm A has given a firm commitment to the project with an unlimited budget to corner the market. pretend firm b must COME TO YOU or be left in the dust. as for solar cells the petrochemical industry funded most research. hence their dismal record. solar thermal is much better than photovoltaic. exxon mobil managed to drive solar right off a cliff. any-hoo cold fusion in the navy gets alot of attention for work on eternal submarines. now they use radioisotopes on thermoacoustic linear generators. radiation becomes heat, becomes sound waves, osccilates piston,piston moves magnet in coils, electric power. you can make one powered by a candle instead of radioisotopes too. just get a glass tube ,wire gauze, a rod, piston head, magnet, coil. put them together in a frame and presto! instant home power. BTW the above venture capital advice although sounding like a palpatine scheme is 100% effective and only hurts venture capitalists. who like cockroaches need their ranks thinned |