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MPI Press release
Posted on Tuesday, April 24, 2007 @ 20:46:51 UTC by vlad

Contact: Mark Goldes, CEO/ 707 829-9391
www.magneticpowerinc.com / magneticpower@gmail.com

“Evidence is fast accumulating that, within our children’s lifetimes, severe droughts, storms and heat waves caused by climate change could rip apart societies from one side of the planet to the other. Climate stress may well represent a challenge to international security just as dangerous – and more intractable – than the arms race between the United States and the Soviet Unιon during the cold war or the proliferation of nuclear weapons among rogue states today.”
Thomas Homer-Dixon Weather Forecast N.Y. Times April 24, 2007

In the opinion of many scientists, the world has just 10 years to reverse surging greenhouse gas emissions, by an almost inconceivable reduction in the use of fossil fuels, or risk runaway climate change that could make many parts of the planet uninhabitable.

Results could include the deaths of millions of people from equatorial regions, and the loss of vast tracts of land under rising seas as the ice caps melt.

There are very few steps that can be taken rapidly enough to realistically drop the need for fossil fuels sufficiently in 10 years.

While all can help, none of the conventional renewable power systems, solar, wind, fuel-cells, etc., can come remotely close to meeting this challenge.

Nuclear power plants take 10 years to begin operation. The idea they can contribute to a solution is a dangerous illusion.

Only radically new energy conversion systems can do the job. By far the most promising technology is rapid development of breakthrough Magnetic Power Modules™ which provide: “A new way to generate electricity.”

Constructed using solid-state electronic components, they are expected to produce power indefinitely, without any need for fuel or recharge. This is accomplished by utilizing an abundant, renewable, little known, previously unutilized source of energy that is found everywhere in the universe.

Until now, this energy has never been employed in practical products. It was probably first tapped by Wesley Gary, a Pennsylvania inventor, in 1874. An article in Harper’s Magazine, described his patented mechanical magnetic devices. His unsung work apparently impressed Harvard and MIT professors. Published in 1879, the article can be found on the internet.

A German inventor, Hans Coler, demonstrated a generator without moving parts, apparently converting the same source of energy, in 1926. Eleven years later, he demonstrated a more powerful, 6,000 Watt, prototype. Supported by the German Admiralty, his laboratory was bombed by the Allies late in World War II. In 1946, British Intelligence published a classified Report suggesting his achievement was genuine. A 34 page portion of that Report was declassified in 1979 and can be found on the web.

This remarkable, almost ignored, source of energy may prove to be what is sometimes called the Quantum Vacuum, also known as Zero Point Energy, or ZPE. Physicist Richard Feynman, a winner of the Nobel Prize, and John Wheeler, a protégé of Einstein’s, calculated that were it all released, there is sufficient ZPE in the volume of a coffee cup to evaporate Earth’s oceans. Physicist Harold Puthoff is quoted as saying, that if we employed ZPE to power the entire planet, it would be like “dipping a thimble into the sea.”

The March 1st, 2004 issue of Aviation Week and Space Technology featured an article stating: Zero Point Energy emerges from the realm of science fiction. ”If the expectations of cutting-edge scientists are any guide, a ZPE power source with aerospace applications could be in sight."

MPI’s current development work opens a door to a multitude of practical products. They will operate with no need for fuel, or any plug connection to the power grid. Portable appliances, for example laptops and cell phones, can entirely dispense with batteries, as will electric automobiles.

Modules can be linked together, in order to produce larger amounts of power, in a manner analogous to solar cells. Preliminary data suggests a 1 kW (1,000) watt generator might be about 5” x 5” x 16” in size. These one kilowatt Modules can be connected to create generators for homes.

Distributed Generation of utility grade power, located at the point of use instead of requiring transmission lines, can also be rapidly implemented.

Electric cars, such as the GM VOLT, can dispense with the need for batteries, engines of any kind, fuel cells, or the need to plug-in.

All new vehicles can be redesigned to run on this revolutionary source of energy. The change could provide a huge boost to the automobile industry – creating an abundance of well paid jobs and restoring health to communities.

During the Second World War, industry shifted to building armaments around the clock much more rapidly then might have been imagined. Averting planetary cataclysms due to climate change calls for a similar, all out, effort.



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"MPI Press release" | Login/Create an Account | 9 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: MPI Press release (Score: 1)
by malc on Wednesday, April 25, 2007 @ 00:34:32 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley
I'll say it again : where can I buy one ? Otherwise this is yet another announcement without any susbtstance.

I exclude the climate remarks from that!  I heard something on the radio the other day when they had a climate scientist and a partially reformed skeptic (partially in that he used to deride global warming but now concedes it is occurring).  The climate scientist said that the published climate predictions fall way short of what the scientists are determining behind closed doors and that he knows of a large number of climate scientists that are petrified for the future of their children.  That's an awfully strong word and in the context of the discussion very disturbing. 

The more I hear the more I'm convinced that it's not a case that the environmentalists and climate scientists are scaremongering recently but that they are holding back so as not to frighten us.....that's very scary!

Re: MPI Press release (Score: 1)
by techmac on Tuesday, May 01, 2007 @ 21:53:46 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.geocities.com/mgmlab04
Only the huksters that say it is man-caused are scaremongering. They are looking to scare your money out of your pocket. They also have convinced many government bureucrats to start to legislate money for weather repairs.
If they cared half as much about terrorism or the search for new energy they wouldn't be so scary. Carbon "pollution" is the result of increased sun radiation. Temperatures are increasing on most planets in our solar system.
Men and women, boys and girls used to work hard on the farm. They had no time or energy left to invent problems for the world. Kids used to dance to rock and roll tunes or hold foot races to burn off excess energy. Now they listen to stories by grown men who have grown up tilting at windmills. or get scared by idiots like Al Gore.


MPI = Illuminati Front Company (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Wednesday, April 25, 2007 @ 07:48:13 UTC
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End of story.

Re: MPI Press release (Score: 1)
by Mar1 on Wednesday, April 25, 2007 @ 16:02:56 UTC
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     We already know all of this, its old news, Mr. Goldes should do everyone and himself a favor and restrain his urges to post redundant commentary with no substance, if he doesn't he will simply just errode his own credibility. It would be nice to hear something like, "we will be exposing our technology on such and such a date, come if your interested", or even better, "go and buy our magnetic generator at your closest retail store or order it on line."

Re: MPI Presentation (not yet confirmed) (Score: 1)
by Overtone on Wednesday, April 25, 2007 @ 17:32:59 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com
MPI has applied to Present our technology at the O'Reilly Energy Conference in San Francisco which will run from August 22nd thru the 24th, 2007.

However, the Conference has not yet confirmed the program, so this must be considered as tentative.

The fact that General Motors is no longer the top firm in the auto business is today's news. They have designed an electric car, the VOLT, which can progress beyond a hybrid with MPI technology. The battery has been the big problem. Now they are considering using fuel cells. Neither batteries, fuel cells or engines are required with full development of our breakthrough technology.

Apparently as a result of Global Warming, Ford has just announced the appointment of a Senior vice president for sustainability, enviroment and safety engineering.

We monitor visits to our website. One or more folks from GM have been there often and for extended periods of time. Ford has also paid a bit of attention.

We know of no other technology that could rapidly restore leadership to the domestic auto firms. A huge number of jobs that have been lost might be regained.

What is old news to some, may now resonate with others. Climate change is a deadly problem and in my opinion, there may be no other technology that can save as many lives and perhaps prevent major conflict. It is only beginning to be obvious to most of the world's population just how dangerous continuing to burn fossil fuels has become.


Re: MPI Presentation (not yet confirmed) (Score: 1)
by Mar1 on Wednesday, April 25, 2007 @ 18:29:27 UTC
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Thanks for the update, I hope to hear good news soon!


Re: MPI Presentation (not yet confirmed) (Score: 1)
by ryandinan on Friday, May 04, 2007 @ 14:36:55 UTC
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Good to hear that you finally decided to show your technology in a public venue - however, you did not make it clear or not if you would be demonstrating a working device or not.  Is this your plan?
If not, what do you plan to present?
When you say "the Conference has not yet confirmed the program", what does that mean?  That they have to "accept" you and your technology?  If so, what criteria do they use to screen applicants?

Also, we all know the crisis with energy - gas is over $3 a gallon in my city, so people are aware.  If you have something that can the need for oil as fuel, then I certainly hope you get accepted to the conference... Not sure why they would not, if your device works...



Re: MPI Presentation (not yet confirmed) (Score: 1)
by Overtone on Friday, May 04, 2007 @ 15:00:56 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com
MPI hopes to demonstrate a working device. There are two candidates in our deveopment program.

Lee Felsenstein, EE, is a consultant to our firm. He wrote the lead article on our website: www.magneticpowerinc.com Lee believes we are likely to be accepted to present and submitted the application. However, thus far the conference seems to be about conventional alternatives. We hope he is correct.

Controversial new technology often frightens organizations. The sad history of LENR (Cold Fusion) is an example. New Scientist magazine in the UK came out this month suggesting it might be real. This is merely 18 years after the first news conference was forced on the inventors by the University of Utah. In the meantime, almost everyone working in that field has had abuse heaped on them by arrogant individuals. Legions of such self-certain individuals express similar denial when magnetic energy conversion systems are discussed. The Steorn Forum is an easy place to view endless examples.

Desktop Demonstration devices and later toys are likely to eventually end the problem. Kids will explain how they work to their disbelieving elders. No batteries needed.

Magnetic Power Inc.


Re: MPI Presentation (not yet confirmed) (Score: 1)
by techmac on Friday, May 04, 2007 @ 16:21:16 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.geocities.com/mgmlab04

I Googled Lee Felsenstein and the first thing that came up was his EE Times award video.
Very interesting information about your company's energy research processes.




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