What is Common Sense Science (CSS)?
Common Sense Science is a body of theory regarding
matter and forces that describes the physical world
using geometric models, absolute time and Galilean space
in a way that strives to be consistent with experimental
observations and free of internal contradictions. The
foundational principles of CSS theory are based upon
the law of cause and effect and the assertion that the
universe and all natural phenomena are fundamentally
electrical in character.
These principles have led to the derivation of a
new universal force law that applies on all scales
ranging from the sub-atomic to the cosmic domain and
to the development of physical models for elementary
particles, nuclei, atoms and molecules. Although
the new models are novel and in many ways strikingly
different from the standard model of elementary particles,
they have an inherent simplicity and physical form that
appeals to common sense. One reason for this is because
the CSS models can be visualized and analyzed using
the math and physics commonly found to hold true at
laboratory scales.
is CSS Needed?
The Scientific Method
Progress in understanding the physical world
accelerated when men like Galileo, Newton, Faraday and Maxwell
began to study nature and look for order and principles to explain
what they saw. The great scientists put aside their biased opinions
and agreed on an objective standard of validity. They sought
for truth, and insisted that a scientific assertion must be in
full agreement with the observed and measured facts. Scientific
propositions also had to be consistent with all the known laws
of physics.
The Electromagnetic Nature of the Universe
A hundred years ago most scientists would were of the opinion that the universe was primarily electromagnetic
in nature. This was due to the astounding successes that had
been made in the field of electrodynamics by Ampere, Faraday,
Gauss, Maxwell and others in explaining many natural
New Scientific Theories Introduced
At the turn of the century, significant new phenomena
such as blackbody radiation, the photoelectric
effect, and the spectra of hydrogen were
discovered. These phenomena were
discovered over such a short period of time
that scientists of the day were not able to
adequately adapt classical electromagnetic theory
to incorporate them. Instead, new theories such
as relativity theory, quantum
mechanics, the theory of the atom, and elementary particle theory
were introduced to supplement what could not be explained by
electromagnetic theory.
Problems With the New Scientific Theories
Interestingly, the new theories didn't immediately resolve
the difficulties either. In fact they introduced new
problems and inconsistencies of their own. For
Physical models
of matter were replaced with mathematical equations.
- Postulates were adopted that were known to violate
the empirical laws of electrodynamics.
- Cause and effect relationships were replaced
with random chance events.
- Force laws with no empirical basis were
in order to make the new theories of matter work.
these issues, the new theories took hold and relativity theory and
quantum mechanics, as embodied by the standard model of elementary
particles, are generally touted as among the most successful theories
of the century.
Common Sense Science
(CSS) Emerges
At the end of the 20th century, Barnes,
Bergman, Lucas and others began to build on the
older classical work that had been largely abandoned
nearly a hundred years earlier. Working outside the
mainstream physics establishment, their common
goal was to correct what they perceived as deficiencies
in modern physics by reapplying what they deemed
to be sound scientific methods in order to develop
better fundamental theories of the elementary particles,
atoms and the forces between these objects. By
striving to maintain the principles of reality,
causality and unity throughout their work, they
hoped to bring "common sense" back to the field
of physics. The expression "common sense", in
this context, alludes to their belief that
physics, even at the atomic scale, ought to be
intuitive and consistent with the laws of
physics that are commonly observed on laboratory
The Purpose of this Website
It is now midway through the first decade of
the 21st century and the CSS scientists
believe they have come up with a sound basis
to develop more credible models of matter
that more effectively answer the
big questions in physics and resolve the shortcomings they saw with the principle
theories of modern physics. This site provides an
overview of their work and seeks to demonstrate
the reasons for their confidence in this new
approach. We hope you will seriously investigate
the CSS method and models, hold them up to
rigorous scrutiny and ascertain for yourself if
the approach yields scientific models that
are consistent with scientific observations.
Link: http://www.commonsensescience.org/