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Dark mission
Posted on Sunday, June 24, 2007 @ 18:02:44 UTC by vlad
Kiril Chukanov writes: Dear John,
This is just a psychological letter. First of all, who is Kevin
Goodman? Why do you want so much to test my QFE generators? Why
necessarily in the USA? Is the USA the chosen by God country which must
first posses any new discovered major energy source and to use it for
control of the world? I don't think your interest to test my new QFE
generators ANLOTRONS is connected with your desire to help me to make
good business. But who knows?
As a rule, Americans don't believe people of my origin - they consider me as Russian (actually, I'm US citizen of Bulgarian origin; I respect Russian people). I agree, there are some Russian charlatans in the field of free energy like A. Frolov, the Russian company Akoil, Perendev (South Africa, now in Germany), others. Those people are motivated to make big money from naïve western clients. Their free energy magnetic or vortex generators are fake machines. But there are such charlatans in the USA too: Mark Goldes (MPI) claims to have such free energy magnetic generators which he intends to bring to business next year. That's a lie, I know this person. This man is very good person, nice, honest in some aspects, but like many other new technology researchers in the USA, he works for money (from naïve investors) and doesn't care too much about reality of the considered problem.
My QFE discovery has attracted many American charlatans-investors: they promised me an abundant investment (which never happened), they took as much as possible free information from me, some have stolen my QFE generator Angelina-5, etc. I was contacted by some world intelligences too: German, Mossad (Israel), Russia, China, Taiwan, and, of course, CIA. I know how to distinguish them from regular "investors". Some of those intelligence agents are very arrogant - like Mossad agents, for example. All of those people don't believe me and trust me (because of my origin), but because of the importance of my discovery (if it's turn to be really true), they have tried to dig as much as possible in the depths of my discovery. A German agent, for example, was in my house for one week, he gave me some small money, took all possible information about QFE, demonstrations, and then disappeared (wrong address, wrong E-mail in Germany). US CIA agents think that I must give to them my secrets for granted. Usually they present themselves as regular scientists (from US Air Force, for example). They want to give me technical help if I describe in details my work. During 13 years spent in the USA, I had to work on very low wages jobs in order to support my family and project. No days off, 70 hrs/week, no annual vacation. Like almost all working class in the USA. With these hard to earn money I built my QFE experimental generators. Nobody cares about my financial situation, but to steal my discovery is very O.K.
I tried to publish articles on my ball lightning research in American peer view magazines and journals - in vain, they ignore me. At the same time, they publish any shut about such research (very primitive works).
All those people have no idea about my mentality - they build their case on what they think is real: I'm fucking (sorry for these robust everyday and everywhere used American words) liar from Eastern Europe, I want to make easy money from naïve investors, I'm stupid and naïve person who can give his secrets very easy,..., etc. Because of this very wrong image about my personality, they were unable to take something significant from me and push their governments to start work immediately on this extremely important problem. The reality is: Quantum Free Energy (from artificially created ball lightning) is the only free energy source in the universe, it is discovered and harnessed by me, it produces huge over-unity; I don't work for money (I hate exploitation of people); I don't work for carrier, scientific reputation or Nobel Prize; morally I'm not obliged to give for free my discovery to the USA, etc. What I will do next could be also surprise for those righteous people. I'm grateful to God to give me the knowledge of this greatest discovery in the field of technology and the knowledge about the sentence of our world (my General Quantum mechanics - in fact, Theory of Everything).
You, the honest, righteous Americans, can think what you want about me and my discovery, that's a problem. My hearth is with regular hard working Americans. QFE is the last major energy source given to Humans by God. QFE will change the face of our civilization and will create some (relative) equality among all people on earth, living standard will rise considerably, and the power of money will be eliminated. That's a real future of our civilization. Now our sinful world is governed by the Evil (I'm not religious person) - money are his main tool. QFE is an unlimited source of free (no fuel), inexpensive, safe, no pollution or greenhouse effect, energy. QFE can become so powerful when the parameters of the process are especially created (it is very easy to do even thought in "garage" conditions) - much more powerful (millions, billions of times more destructive than nuclear bombs) than any created to day weapon of mass destruction. Quantum Free Energy military applications must be controlled by the whole world together. It is very dangerous for the existing of our civilization this super-mass destruction weapon to be controlled by only one country (USA, for example) - don't forget Hiroshima, Iraq.
I understand, my letter is very disturbing for you. You can consider me now as crazy person or anything else. However, Quantum Free Energy is real and works on full scale in my lab. What I intend to do further with QFE is my secret.
Kind regards, Kiril Chukanov ----------------------------- Dear Vlad,
You can post this my letter in your world famous web-site. I'm not afraid to tell the truth in the face.
Thank you, friend! Kiril Chukanov
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Bring the world to its knees! (Score: 1) by Kadamose on Sunday, June 24, 2007 @ 19:07:16 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | The only way you can truly fight this unfair and unjust system is to give the technology away for free. The implications would be huge! The Energy corporations would be destroyed with a single blow and the money system would finally be broken beyond repair! Every single person on the face of the planet will experience true equality for the first time in human history! Space travel would no longer be an impossibility; hunger, disease, and poverty would no be an issue! We would all become masters of the known universe in a very short matter of time...and yet, most inventors in this field of research do not even consider it. I hope you're different.
Re: Bring the world to its knees! (Score: 1) by malc on Monday, June 25, 2007 @ 00:27:03 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley | Well I've always said that any inventor will make money from the TV rights about how he/she did it. Therefore beat the system by giving away the technology. |
Re: Dark mission (Score: 1) by pulsed_ignition on Monday, June 25, 2007 @ 19:51:47 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://diamondlube.com | Dr. Chukanov, Don't give away anything further, wait until my NanoTech lubrication business takes off and then we will work together on our Plasma devices. SAE testing has proven my product really increases fuel efficiency, and is exactly what everyone needs NOW to save money. I too have stories to tell, however nobody really cares, all they care about is getting the information for FREE, or making money writing about us - I say from now on, lets take care of ourselves and families first - and the benefits can trickle down to them later. Since everyone else has flatly refused to invest in our work, why should they profit except as a side effect of living in a better world because of our efforts - that's actually more fair than they have been to us, but then again - you and I are generous individuals. Chris Arnold www.hyperdiamond.com [www.hyperdiamond.com] |
Begone fraud (Score: 1) by Kadamose on Monday, June 25, 2007 @ 23:50:02 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | You are not a true guardian of this world, regardless of what you claim. Any inventor who desires to make it rich in the world we currently live in, is no better than than the scumbags who currently are destroying this world like a cancer. All higher universal knowledge will be wasted if it is not given to the world - first and foremost. You obviously have no clue what that means.
You're a cancer, Chris.
Re: Begone fraud (Score: 1) by pulsed_ignition on Tuesday, June 26, 2007 @ 07:44:18 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://diamondlube.com | That's funny, calling me a fraud.
I suggest you search your own soul, as you are the one radiating negative energy. If you are the chosen one, then you should be doing something to save everyone, and not demanding that inventors of breakthrough technology give away all of their information - for free. Calling everyone else with great ideas names - only makes you look foolish.
You were correct about only one thing - I am a Cancer, born in the same month as my favorite teacher-and my Grandmother is from the same country.
What is even more laughable is the idea that an inventor will make more money writing about his ideas, or waiting until a movie deal makes him rich.
Warm regards, Chris www.nanolube.net [www.nanolube.net] |