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Trilogy to
Posted on Tuesday, February 25, 2003 @ 19:40:21 UTC by vlad

General matt writes: Researcher to release three articles on his website that will explore "simple negative resistor" and other energy subjects.

"Things are going to get very interesting." That’s what Bill Alek promises on a recent post to the Yahoo group free energy-free energy unity http://groups.yahoo.com/group/free-energy/message/180 According to the Alek post, the first of a series of "Shock the World" articles will be posted on his website. The article includes a discussion on, "the experiments and theory behind the Simple Negative Resistor." Upcoming articles include a "MathCAD" simulation and information on actual hardware and tests. For more information, view the website at: http://www.intalek.com/Index/Projects/Index.htm



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"Trilogy to" | Login/Create an Account | 5 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Trilogy to (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, February 25, 2003 @ 19:55:52 UTC
The opening page of this fellas site has a picture of Tesla next to him. Reminds me of Jack Sarfattis site where its him and Einstein.

He's not implying he's at that level, just an "apprentice", still its egotistical to assume he is the only one.

That turns me off right there, that and he is just putting the word Smart in front of other peoples ideas!

I know I'm out there myself and am lucky to have my voice heard here but maybe Vlad should raise the bar so as to maintain some professionalism.

Re: Trilogy to (Score: 1)
by matt (matt@zpenergy.com) on Wednesday, February 26, 2003 @ 10:40:56 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Hi. Just wanted to comment on your response.

I had similar thoughts as you when I gathered the information; but, as a correspondent for zpenergy I feel my first job is to be as unbiased as possible when I gather and distribute the news to the site.
I trust the reader to decide if the researchers are brilliant, bogus, or maybe just conceited.


Re: Trilogy to (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, February 26, 2003 @ 15:37:39 UTC
fair enough, I know I appreciate that courtesy in regards to my own work.


Re: Trilogy to (Score: 1)
by vlad on Wednesday, February 26, 2003 @ 23:36:19 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
If your work is in the new energy field and you consider it to be important, you may want to let us know who you are (if you want) and what you’re working on. As Matt said we’re very tolerant here at ZPEnergy; we put people’s work, results, enthusiasm and open mind-ness before their character’s weirdness (up to a limit of course – and believe me Bill is a “sweet child” compared to others:-).


Re: Trilogy to (Score: 1)
by Bjoern on Thursday, February 27, 2003 @ 14:47:39 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
Dear friends.
As watching the site of Mr W. Alek there is some interresting devices showing.
But there are no explanations, diagrams or any report how the items are performing.
It dont smell scientific at all.
It would have been interresting to know what have the tests shown refering to COP for example.
The items looks very familiar to innovations of others. Maybe even stolen.
There are also products for selling in a catalogue with prices and everything but not specifications what the products would be capable of. The products are not cheap as if they were toys.
I would not buy such expensive stuff without knowing if they do me any favour.



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