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Electricity will soon be supplied by magnetic energy conversion systems.
Posted on Saturday, December 15, 2007 @ 18:57:18 UTC by vlad

Science by Mark Goldes / http://www.opednews.com

Where does this previously untapped, abundant, renewable, inexpensive, energy originate?

Magnetic energy conversion systems are likely to prove an extremely important method of rapidly reducing the need for all Greenhouse Gas producing fuels and avoiding a revival of nuclear power. They are a potential near-term energy source. A few such systems seem very likely to provide a practical way to turn future cars into power plants when parked – selling electricity to the local utility and earning substantial cash for car owners.

Most well educated individuals, including almost all scientists and engineers, remain unaware of the little recognized fact that a magnetic gradient is an untapped source of potential energy.

A magnetic gradient is surprisingly similar to the many other gradients that provide us with energy. Think of gravity in hydroelectric systems; the pressure gradient in water pipes; the voltage gradient in a wall socket and the thermal gradient in heat pumps and many conventional power plants.

Magnetic fields exhibit energy. They are in fact a potential source of energy. In that respect, they are entirely analogous to electric fields. However, scientists and others unfamiliar with the evidence, often dismiss this simple answer as unsatisfactory.

An excellent place for skeptics to start is the classic text entitled: Physics of Magnetism, by Soshin Chikazumi (Wiley, 1964). He mentions (p. 57) that “when the electron is traveling around the nucleus, the electron sees the nucleus as if the nucleus is traveling around the electron itself and feels the magnetic field”.

This next question is where the spin of the proton originates. An article in Physics Today (Sept. 1995, p.24) states that “quark spins appear to account for 20-30%”. Robert Jaffe, a professor of physics at MIT, concludes that the Dirac sea of virtual particle pairs is a strong candidate for the remainder. Based on experiment, Beck, Koch and Davis have stated that ZPE is also present in solid state devices.

Therefore we now know that the proton spins around the electron, affecting the magnetic moment. In Lectures on Quantum Mechanics (Benjamin-Cummings, 1969) Gordon Baym points out that the mass ratio m/M if the electron vs. the nucleus is about 1/10,000 or smaller. Therefore, the electrons move far more than the nuclei and the nucleus of the atom often exchanges energy with the electron.

Miloni in The Quantum Vacuum (Academic Press, 1964) states: “We now know that the vacuum field is in fact formally necessary for the stability of atoms in quantum theory” (p. 81). In the space of these few pages, Valone shows that every atom is deriving energy from the quantum vacuum, another name for the Zero Point field.

In quantum mechanics it is well known that the electron and the nucleus act as a coupled system of oscillators. Thus, it can be concluded that ZPE is the sustaining energy source for all energy states of the atom, including the electron’s angular momentum. Since the macroscopic magnetic field of a permanent magnet is totally attributed to this characteristic of the electron, it can be said to be sustained by the quantum vacuum; the Zero Point Energy field.

In conclusion, as GENIE (Generating Electricity by Nondestructive Interference of Energy) and other magnetic motors and generators prepare to enter the market, ZPE eliminates the mystery as to where the energy originates. These magnet-powered devices cannot plausibly be mistaken for perpetuum mobiles.

*This article has been adapted from a chapter in the book: Zero Point Energy: The Fuel of the Future, by Thomas F. Valone, entitled: “Is Permanent Magnetism Connected with Zero Point Energy?” (pp. 200-205). (Integrity Research Institute, 2007). The paperback is available through Amazon.com.


Mark Goldes is Chairman & CEO of Magnetic Power Inc. in Sebastopol, California. Earlier, he founded SunWind Ltd. and began the non-profit Aesop Institute. He previously was CEO of a financial and economic consulting firm. Once a student of Electrical Engineering, he earned BA and MA degrees at San Francisco State University, and later served two years on active duty with the USAF, culminating as a Senior Director of the Berlin Corridor control radar in Germany. Afterwards, from 1956 thru 1958, he was a Fellow in the Graduate Program in the History of Ideas, at Brandeis University. In 1960, he founded Emerson College of the Monterey Peninsula, and later initiated the free university movement, which spread to at least 600 locations worldwide.

Source: http://www.opednews.com/articles/genera_mark_gol_071212_electricity_will_soo.htm

(Read the comments as well)



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"Electricity will soon be supplied by magnetic energy conversion systems." | Login/Create an Account | 10 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Electricity will soon be supplied by magnetic energy conversion systems. (Score: 1)
by Sigma on Saturday, December 15, 2007 @ 22:39:21 UTC
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Sigh...but when will these devices come out?

Re: Electricity will soon be supplied by magnetic energy conversion systems. (Score: 1)
by PacketSender on Sunday, December 16, 2007 @ 12:36:12 UTC
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They are right around the corner as they have been for many years now, at least according to Mr. Goldes. All it's going to take is some 'accredited angel investors' to 'bridge the gap'.
Very soon you'll be able to sell electricity, which is expected to cost less to produce than the way we currently do it, back to the utility companies.
Strange, since he claims that he has a method to produce electricity for free, that he thinks anyone would be willing to pay for it.
But then this whole claim requires the suspense of belief in reality.
That, a lack of any form of critical reasoning, and a near terminal case of gullibility...


by vlad on Sunday, December 16, 2007 @ 20:23:21 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Unlimited Clean Energy

comment to Mark's post by Patrick

In 1938 the Kaluza-Klein theorem designated the key element of tapping into the power of the Cosmos, which was to understand where the “Torque” of the machine was being originated from.

By mathematically adding the 5th Dimension, Kaluza-Klein indentified the “Torque” point which was established as being between the 4th and the 5th Dimension.

Energy can be produced by “Torqueing” at the Plane of the Dimension.

The Zero point field is in reality the Planet’s Inertial-“Static”- field. The inertial field itself is the product of the mass of the universe.

Since the time of Faraday, The “Static” field has been ordinarily considered to be non-accessible for the production of energy.

The extra dimensional aspect of the Kaluza-Klein theorem allows for the static field to be in motion, in relation to another dimension.

The 5th Dimension is lacking in a frictional element, and hence Kaluza-Klein never answered the question of how to extract energy from the 5th Dimension, only that if you could access the 5th Dimension, you would have a source of power using the motion of the mass of the planet as the source of this potential energy. Kaluza-Klein identified the “Torque Point,” and we now understand that the mechanism itself involves a Relativistic time shift of a particle, to complete the theory.

Acceleration creates Mass absorption, which produces a clock rate variation from the original initial standing velocity.

For instance, At 60% the speed of light, a clock runs at 80% of it’s original speed.

The earth is moving 18.5 miles per second, or about 1 inch per microsecond. An accelerated electron that reaches 60% speed of light, will operate at 80% of a regular clock rate and it will travel 4 inches.

The non-accelerated nucleus will travel 5 inches in the same time frame.

The nucleus will attempt to twist to allow the electron to re-establish itself in its original “shell” position near the nucleus.

The 1inch difference between the placement within the time space continuum, between the electron and the nucleus, is because the accelerated electron changed its time rate, and temporarily “accessed the 5th Dimension.”

This is what the late Dr. Eugene Mallove(1947-2004) was most likely talking about when he said that we were only a few months away from unlimited heat and electrical energy.

From the earliest times in the modern industrial age, Electrical Engineers have been taught that Static fields are useless for energy production.

It has been a given to ignore the Static field, when the fact is; the most powerful fields of them all are the Static fields of our planet.

Planetary Inertial field generators are now theoretically understood. This should lead to the issuance of Patents that will lead us into the abundance for all, with no damage to the environment whatsoever.

The technology is here and now, and then.

Dr Moray produced 50,000 watts of energy from the Planet’s Inerital fields way back in 1930. That is about $120 worth of electricity per day from one of his machines.

This technology has been intentionally blocked. Why create unlimited energy for all humanity, when you have nuclear weapons to destroy humanity with, and that way humanity won’t need energy period.

by malc on Monday, December 17, 2007 @ 00:55:00 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley
I can well believe that powerful rich people would try to suppress something that threatens that power and wealth.  What I can't believe is that clever scientists for decades are so so stupid that they advertise their inventions so as to allow suppression.  The first few maybe, but given the wealth of information and scare stories on the internet you would have to be dumb beyond comprehension to put yourself in that situation today.

There are plenty of poorer countries that are pulling themselves up to the materialistic levels of the west.  That task would be made far easier with cheap energy. They would support a genuine device.

Then there's the issue of fame and fortune.  You do NOT need to patent your device. Publish the details on the web for all to see so that copies exist thought the world.  Nobody  can suppress that approach.  When everybody around the world starts building their own devices to your plan you will be rich and famous with the film rights!!!!!!!!!!  In fact a "perpetual motion" toy would be perfect way to distribute the technology.  Toy manufactures can still get away with that term but oil companies ignore it.....after all its a toy!  Make the toy KNEX compatible and you have a device that will enter schools, make teachers ask why is the experiment still running? make parents ask why is this fairground ride still running?

However, this article is simply the monthly plea from Mr Goldes to support his non existant device.  After all if Mr Goldes device exists as he states wheres the state/illuminati/bilderberg/NWO suppression?


by RBM on Monday, December 17, 2007 @ 06:50:48 UTC
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Nice explanation.

Has anyone done a similar type explanation covering the Maxwell's 1864 '20 variable, 20 formula' paper to see what type of model results ?


Re: Electricity will soon be supplied by magnetic energy conversion systems. (Score: 1)
by simontay78 on Monday, December 17, 2007 @ 10:26:04 UTC
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Hi all,

I had tested one such device and technically it's not automated yet but it does showed potential to push the wheel on demand accordingly.

I recorded 2 videos in my blog

I had not wired it to any coils to induce electricity yet so you can see it's not "powered" by any other energy source other then the magnet.

Welcome any comments :)

Simon Tay

Re: Electricity will soon be supplied by magnetic energy conversion systems. (Score: 1)
by RBM on Monday, December 17, 2007 @ 17:49:25 UTC
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Keep at it !!

I noticed the peak oil links on your blog :)


Re: Electricity will soon be supplied by magnetic energy conversion systems. (Score: 1)
by mach946 on Tuesday, December 18, 2007 @ 19:24:04 UTC
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Once again Mark Gold comes on line with his pie in the sky scenario. Where is the over unity proof of concept toy you promised Mark? Let me guess...right around the corner. You formed everyone that you would have some type of proof before the end of 2007, well here we are at the end of 2007 and BAM! Nothing! You make me sick! with your endless dribble about what around the corner ad infinitum! either putr up or shut up. I will go out on a limb and venture to guesse that in 2008 you will still be using this site to espouse your crap.

Re: Electricity will soon be supplied by magnetic energy conversion systems. (Score: 1)
by ryandinan on Wednesday, December 19, 2007 @ 11:54:59 UTC
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Why do we keep responding?  Mark apparently doesn't care about what we think.  He's only hoping to snag a few naive people that have money to burn...

A Carrot to Change the Energy Picture (Score: 1)
by vlad on Monday, December 24, 2007 @ 18:19:49 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
by Mark Goldes

A revolutionary breakthrough by Magnetic Power Inc., called GENIE™ (Generating Electricity by Nondestructive Interference of Energy) will make possible the elimination of the need for batteries of every variety. GENIE generators are expected to replace the need to plug-in a plug-in hybrid. 2 kW is all the power that can be taken from a typical wall socket. A pair of 1 kW GENIE generators are expected to demonstrate a compact, inexpensive, capability to end the need to plug-in, prior to the end of 2008...

Full article: http://www.opednews.com/articles/genera_mark_gol_071223_a_carrot_to_change_t.htm [www.opednews.com]


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