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Blacklight Power Returns With More Lab Validation
Posted on Thursday, August 13, 2009 @ 23:06:32 UTC by vlad

Devices By Chris Morrison/ Energy Analysis/ bnet.com

... But unlike most of the free energy crowd, Blacklight has survived for almost two decades and has a staff of dedicated Ph.Ds, including its founder, Randell Mills. It has also taken about $60 million in funding, and struck deals with utilities to sell them electricity. And its process has received third-party validation from Rowan University...

... The latest in its saga is news that three researchers at Rowan have run a second round of tests on Blacklight’s solid fuel. The trio say they have verified that the fuel is capable of continuously releasing more energy than is put in to start the reaction. And this time, they made the fuel themselves rather than receiving from the company — a significant difference from the first test, when associate professor Peter Jansson told me he wasn’t sure what Blacklight did to prepare the material...

Read full article here: http://industry.bnet.com/energy/10001849/blacklight-power-returns-with-more-lab-validation/



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"Blacklight Power Returns With More Lab Validation" | Login/Create an Account | 3 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Blacklight Power Returns With More Lab Validation (Score: 1)
by Overtone on Friday, August 14, 2009 @ 07:40:02 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com
Chava Energy is also developing fractional Hydrogen technologies. The possible existence of fractional quantum states in the Hydrogen atom (f/H) has been debated since the advent of quantum theory in 1924, according to Ronald Bourgoin, a graduate student of the late Dr. Robert L. Carroll (a mathematical physicist who consulted with our group for 12 years). Dr. Carroll first described “inverse quantum states” in his 1976 book, and wrote a paper with that title in 1990, suggesting they would one day prove extremely important.

Chava uses the term f/H for the fractional hydrogen species since we are not convinced that other theories accurately describe the same particle we are seeing below the Bohr orbital. Regardless of what fractional Hydrogen orbits are labeled, or prove to be in fact, they allow hundreds of times the power of Hydrogen combustion with oxygen. Using fractional Hydrogen, one barrel of water becomes the equivalent of hundreds of barrels of oil.

The late Arie de Geus invented an entirely different energy production method that also utilized fractional quantum states of Hydrogen. His Patent application entitled: Method and Apparatus for the Production of so called Fractional Hydrogen and Associated Production of Photon Energy, may describe the simplest possible f/H device, which could be called a plasma discharge [nextbigfuture.com] tube. His invention involves a mixture of various simultaneously formed fractional states of Hydrogen that are claimed to be extremely stable. He claimed his work was proven in many laboratory experiments and independently verified.

The Chava work with fractional quantum states, employing a completely different approach has opened a path to a new concept called the Self Powered Internal Combustion Engine (SPICE). This is an evolution of successful experimental work done thirty years ago.

This concept, when validated, will lead to a cost-competitive alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear power. Importantly, it can be sized perfectly for use in automotive applications – even utilizing a modified reciprocating engine, but with the ability to sell electricity to the grid when parked, and to supply pollution-free renewable power.

This concept of an automobile that needs no fossil fuel or battery recharge has been a long-time ambition and vision for the ideal alternative energy [nextbigfuture.com] application. En-route to that objective, much improved fuel mileage technology might be retrofit to existing vehicles.

Re: Blacklight Power Returns With More Lab Validation (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Friday, August 14, 2009 @ 11:13:06 UTC
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You again...

So I take it that now that Magnetic Power Inc has been getting such bad press lately, here and elsewhere, you decided to finally  jump ship and 'co-found' another company: Chava Energy.  In my opinion, it's the same bullshit with just another name attached to it.

Don't get me wrong, I know these technologies exist and have existed for over a century now, so I would like to clarify that I simply do not believe you possess these technologies.  Others certainly do - you do not.   And perhaps it's better that way because you certainly do not deserve them.


Chava, the new MPI (but the same shyte) (Score: 1)
by PacketSender on Monday, August 17, 2009 @ 13:16:19 UTC
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Good Lord, here we go yet again.
News surfaces about Blacklight and the king of BS has to chime right in. As usual, no proof and no working product or prototype, nothing more than a blatant attempt to ride on someone else’s coat tails.

For Mark “BS” Goldes, that’s all there is; someone else’s coat tails…
What happened to the years of MPI and all of the world changing technologies that were only days or weeks from independent validation? GENIE – Generating Economic Necessities through Inordinate Embellishment? What was it before that? How about after?

Uh Oh, simple searches produce too much real information and the history of MPI and the never ending, yet never realized, claims. The Internet has become filled with too much reality and not enough pseudo-science babble, the pool of potential investors (read fools) has dwindled.

Time to jump ship! Time to change names! Suddenly the Virtual Photon Flux hype is superseded by the hydrino! The hydrino will save us all! Chava has the technology! (Then again, so did MPI...)

I could use the Internet to do the following:
1. Make up some fairy dust type free energy technology
2. Hype it professionally
3. Fake some press releases and 3rd party validation

I would bet a sizeable about that Mark “BS” Goldes and whatever company name he’s currently using would be all over my nonsense and claim to have had similar breakthroughs and also be developing the same thing.



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