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Giant Casimir Force in Quantum Cavities
Posted on Saturday, November 21, 2009 @ 15:51:00 UTC by vlad
Randy writes: The Casimir Force is a pressure present on conducting plates in a vacuum, and was confirmed by Hendrik Casimir, a Dutch physicist some fifty years ago. The force arises from the fact that a vacuum contains a minimum energy in the form of electromagnetic waves that are quantized.
The waves are confined and reflected when two conducting plates are closely spaced and present in a vacuum and when the waves are of high frequency and "fit" the space between the plates. This is the basis of "Quantum Vacuum Energy" as the waves are reflected by the boundaries of the confinement. The Department of Defense is participating in a two-year program to determine if the Casimir effect can be controlled, alternately changing this force from attractive force to a repulsive force. Magnetic materials are the answer to producing a "Giant Casimir Force".
A Casimir Cavity is a tiny vacuum chamber in which conductive boundaries are charged and energy levels changed by squeezing or pushing out these boundaries alternately.
Quantum vacuum energy is produced by controlling the boundary conditions of a quantum cavity. This has the effect of changing the energy levels of confined electrons. Quantum Vacuum Energy is simply a conversion of magnetic vibrations to virtual electrons. This excess energy is due in part to electrons tunneling outside the cavity and then returning.
One method of charging the boundaries of a Casimir Cavity might be to utilize an ultra-thin dielectric material with an oxide capacitor skin having piezoelectric properties. Advanced nanostructured materials are the answer. The boundaries would be alternately squeezed and then stretched by customizing the magnetic properties of the oxide. Boundaries with magnetic nanostructured quantum confined magnetic alloys could do the trick.
By alternately squeezing, then stretching the boundaries of a quantum cavity, the energy levels of electrons confined in the cavity can be controlled and energy can be taken out of the quantum vacuum through electron tunneling and reflection.
Quantum vacuum energy is a brand new form of energy that is converting zero point vibrations into virtual electrons. This new form of energy can conceivably some day take the place of oil, coal, and nuclear power, and can put the United States on a journey toward greater energy security helping us to avoid the worst effects of rapid global climate change.
Quantum vacuum energy right now is in its infancy and it will be years before advanced nanostructured materials are wide spread. However, energy security is a long-term goal of the United States, and is being sought after globally. We can continue to work on advanced science, and cooperating with other countries some day solve the world’s problems one by one.
Ralph Randolph Sawyer
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Re: Giant Casimir Force in Quantum Cavities (Score: 1) by Koen on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 @ 12:49:03 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla | Is the Casimir force a conservative force? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative_force
Some physicist claim it is conservative, therefore it cannot be a source of energy. The Casimir force has a definite mathematical formulation, so it should be not too difficult to prove it is conservative or not.
Re: Giant Casimir Force in Quantum Cavities (Score: 1) by Sunfeather on Sunday, November 22, 2009 @ 16:02:18 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Agreed. It has to be the way to go. I've created Greenfibre Network [www.network.gfc.uk.net] to empower researchers, developers and design projects in just such arenas. Of course, it's new, so not many members yet, but it's free and has good project resources and will be developing further over the coming months. I hope you, or anyone else reading this comment can recognise the value of the site... Enjoy, and success with free energy - We're working on it!
Re: Giant Casimir Force in Quantum Cavities (Score: 1) by Randy on Saturday, November 28, 2009 @ 05:06:10 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | To change the Casimir Force from attractive force to repulsive force, the quantum critical point must be taken advantage of. At zero temperature, the metal plates would be on the verge of transisting from superconducting state to a ferromagnetic. state. It would only then be a matter of controlling the electron environment. I do not think that having the plates less than ten nanometer s apart would be too practical, because the energy from the vacuum comes from reflecting and amplifying high frequency waves that have tremendous energy when amplified in this way. A practical variation of quantum vacuum energy would be vacuum energy where the dimensions of a practical device would be about PI micrometers and the distance between conductive plates would be about eleven nanometers. If not built in this way, the device might actually be dangerous because too much energy would be produced. Any other configuration would probably be impractical.
Ralph Randolph Sawyer |
Re: Giant Casimir Force in Quantum Cavities (Score: 1) by Randy on Sunday, November 29, 2009 @ 02:10:32 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | There is already a patent on quantum vacuum energy extraction. This is patent #7379286 which involves the exclusion of modes and the fact that space energy is quantized.The Jovion Corporation may have gotten their information for their patent application from my articles on this site about zero point energy. I wrote President George W. Bush about the subject of vacuum energy extraction in 2001 after 911 and received a special Presidential Letter two years later, but the President to my knowledge did not persue the idea. However, I am not sure. It would be ok to use this form of energy and it would be safe, but these high frequency waves must be converted to a much lower base frequency by building a much larger confinement chamber. The nodes or "half waves" must fit the confinement and energy transferred to the outer shell as capacitance by transferring energy from the waves when there is zero momentum to the waves ( the mid point of the waves). And I stated earlier, the quantum critical point would need to be employed to convert the attractive Casimir force to a repulsive one. This is not a simple device and computer simulation is needed to determine the exact parameters of a working device as it involves complicated AC principles. Do not rush headlong into building one of these without doing your research first. Ralph Randolph Sawyer |
mesoporous silicate artificial sun (Score: 1) by Randy on Friday, June 17, 2011 @ 17:58:46 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Prussian blue voids in silica glass that are about two nanometers in size or slightly larger can be used in a glass sphere in space as a dielectric sun. The cold of space would cause a condensation of water which is abundant in open space to form in the voids. The small size of the voids would cause a light driven ferromagnetism that would turn on and off dissociating the water into hydrogen and oxygen. The automatic recombination would release light that would drive the system further. Besides an emission of light there would be a gain in mass producing more water and producing more hydrogen. The hydrogen gas would put pressure on the voids causing a distortion. The automatic formation of magnetic dipoles would drive the vibrational system causing an interaction of changing magnetic fields producing tiny magnetic waves in the voids that would be amplified by the resonace conditions formed by the boundary walls. The system would be self sustaining. If necessary, thin films of superconductor-semiconductor-superconductor schottky junctions could cool the surface. The technology is applicable to fuel cell technology and also to terrestrial artificial lighting. |
How was the universe created? (Score: 1) by Randy on Friday, January 28, 2011 @ 15:12:57 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) |
Scientists postulate that the universe started as a singularity, a point of incredible density, but they have no explanation of how the singularity formed because it cannot be explained with classical physics or described in three dimensions.
We have to express the idea of a singularity in recognizable terms. Think of a singularity as parallel planes of existence and an analogue of distorted dielectrics that become charged and store a charge. Energy was created from nothingness due to this distortion. This is the closest analogue.
The universe must be described as multidimensional in nature but starting in our local system as one dimensional. A singularity might be described in terms of the attractive casimir force that exists between parallel planes of existence in a virtual dielectric sphere. A singularity might best be thought of as a polarized dielectric sphere or virtual confinement because the basic force of nature is distorting the singularity and producing asymmetry in a virtual structure.
So, just as there is an attraction between two closely spaced conducting plates in a vacuum, the concept for the first trillionth of a trillionth of a second is that the magnetic properties of planes caused an attraction between these planes of existance. Interdimensional forces and energy built up between the planes, but eventually, the "dielectric" discharged creating the big bang.
So at the moment of creation, the three basic forces were unified into one force.
The early universe according to theory pumped enormous heat out of the singularity. So, the singularity must have been very cold, and every bit of heat pumped out, so the singularity may have been at absolute zero (the quantum critical point).
The quantum critical point is also the temperature at which a superconductor is on the verge of transiting to a ferromagnetic state. So artificial planets and stars are possible using dielectrics. The vibrations of magnetic poles would pump energy into the dielectric sphere's resonant confinement. There is no good working theory of superconductivity, but it may be due to quantum transitions called criticality.
As the "virtual dielectric" discharged, the attractive casimir force was reversed and changed to an unstoppable repulsive force This is why the universe is expanding, and this expansion is accelerating. Heat caused the original expansion and produced a repulsive force.
Absolute zero is a temperature and a concept describing only the moment of creation and can never be duplicated again, but absolute zero is not necessary for the creation of the stars. Stars can form at three degrees above absolute zero. So, we have a creation event and later, an evolution of elementary particles, atoms, and later stars and planets.
Scientists have good ideas of the events just after the big bang (how matter from energy was created and how helium and elementary particles were formed). But they do not know how a singularity becomes a universe. The original energy for creation must have come from random changes in the distortion of interdimensions. This caused quantum vacuum fluctuations to happen because the quantum critical transitions were not continuous.
The big bang and the highest temperature ever produced cannot be reproduced in a laboratory. Scientists do have a good grasp of high temperature reactions. So, there is a good working theory of "what happened after creation",when the universe was very hot, just not one of creation itself.
A lot of scientists believe that creation happened at many places and we live in one verse of a multiverse. This does mean that there is no divine intelligence. The concept of a multiverse just makes creation more wonderful.
growing the new economy (Score: 1) by Randy on Thursday, February 03, 2011 @ 12:29:00 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Here in Texas, the Texas economy is starting to grow again, but debt is swaggering the economy of the world, and the easiest thing to do to get people interested in spending extra cash, is to make everyday products that people want to buy, and new energy technology that is clean and respectful of the environment.
To grow the new economy we need a reissue of classic designs and products in new materials and new formats in things like shoes and belts and hats, napkins, silverware, and dishes. The most desirable products of the modern 20th century could be remade with better materials by scanning them with laser beams and recording them on computers in 3D holographic form. Then people would be able to go to a department store and get assistance ordering exactly what they wanted.
Products could be designed at home or in an office by interacting with computers, scanned, ordered with a credit card, and manufactured with computer guided machinery. This way, people would want to buy again, and they could get exactly what they wanted. These personal supercomputers do not yet exist, but could be developed.
Cars are a special case where a reissue of old designs wouldn’t help grow the economy. People loved the designs during the classic period, but these same people want more up to date technology that is respectful of the environment in a beautiful and durable car that is unique. They do not want out dated designs or technology. So, I am going to talk a little bit about new technology.
A special magnetic spin glass has been discovered containing tiny voids in the glass about two nanometers in diameter that are ferromagnetic. These voids can be used to squeeze H2 gas. This will produce heat that can be converted to electricity with a variation of the new third generation solar cells.
The glass is made with prussian blue, so we could build a type of fuel cell that operates by dissociating water at the resonant frequency of about 43 KH.
You can find out about this rare magnetic glass on the internet and by accessing my articles. Just type in my name and start reading.
The world economy needs a shot in the arm and our energy technology is woefully outdated. I hope that these ideas can help the economy grow.
Ralph Randolph Sawyer
More Thoughts on the Creation Process (Score: 1) by Randy on Tuesday, February 22, 2011 @ 19:44:10 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | A special theory of creation states that there were two beginnings.
In the first, a point in space reached absolute zero. This is when a phase transition took place causing this point to transit from a superconducting state to a ferromagnetic state.
This produced tiny vibrations called quantum critical vibrations in a tiny confinement where water which is the quasi-normal state of free hydrogen was condensed into H2 gas which heated up under the pressure of gravity and finally expanded because the gas pressure was greater than that of the gravitational pressure.
The automatic recombination process caused a gain in energy with the dissociation process and recombination process being repeated over and over. Therefore, the gas pressure increased.
Eventually, the gas pressure was greater than the force of gravity. This is why we had a big bang and an unstoppable expansion of the universe.
Fusion is basically the complete collapse of a vacuum bubble under the force of gravity followed by expansion beyond the point of contraction.
I do not know if this is an original theory or is held by others.
The Pyramidal Proton Model (Score: 1) by Randy on Wednesday, May 23, 2012 @ 01:59:42 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | "In a classic physics experiment, a magnet is encasulated within a vacuum chamber. The magnet shaped such that the two poles point toward each other but there is a significant gap between them. At one side of the vacuum chamber there is a pinhole in the wall. When atomic hydrogen gas, not molecular hydrogen is shot through the pinhole in a thin stream and as the hydrogen enters the gap between the two poles of the magnet, the gas splits into two equal streams."
"The splitting into two equal streams is not caused by the nucleus of hydrogen or by the orbiting of the electron. This spin is an intrinsic property of the electron alone, and has nothing to do with the status of the electron. Half of the electrons are north pole spin electrons and are attracted to the north pole of the magnet. The other half of the electrons are south pole magnets and are attracted to the south pole."
"Are the electrons of the universe split into two, equal populations? Is this even split maintained?" Source- The Pyramidal Proton Model-Nuclear Pyramid.com
In many semiconductor structures as in living organisms, tiny pyramidal voids are commonly found.
Glass is a state of supercooled fluid. If water is cooled quickly, it bypasses the crystalline state and becomes water glass. In low gravity, the zero point vibration forms tiny bubbles called the quantum froth. Vibration of the bubbles cause an interaction of the magnetic fields of the formed poles. The hydrogen is squeezed in a changing magnetic field forming water and dissociating the water into a vapor that carries away heat leaving the bubble cooler. Water expands when heated and expands again when it changes state gaining mass and causing pressure.
This is an amazing cycle. Only the creator of the universe could devise such simplicity and create matter and life this way.