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Ghostly Influence of Distant Magnetic Field
Posted on Thursday, February 23, 2012 @ 22:20:40 UTC by vlad

Science In the Aharonov-Bohm effect, proposed in 1959, quantum particles are affected in measurable ways by the classical electromagnetic potential, previously regarded as a purely mathematical construct. The electromagnetic field is too far from the particles to have any direct influence.

A 1959 Physical Review paper claimed that an electric or magnetic field could influence quantum particles even though the particles never experienced the field directly. In classical electromagnetism there is no other way to influence a particle besides direct contact with the fields. Even though quantum mechanics was well-established by then, the idea met with widespread skepticism.

Arguments over the theoretical analysis and attempts at experimental verification continued for some years, but eventually the so-called Aharonov-Bohm effect took its place as a legitimate demonstration of unexpected physics in the quantum world.

In classical electromagnetism, electric and magnetic fields are the fundamental entities responsible for all physical effects. There is a compact formulation of electromagnetism that expresses the fields in terms of another quantity known as the electromagnetic potential, which can have a value everywhere in space. The fields are easily derived theoretically from the potential, but the potential itself was taken to be purely a mathematical device, with no physical meaning...

Full article: http://physics.aps.org/story/v28/st4



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"Ghostly Influence of Distant Magnetic Field" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Ghostly Influence of Distant Magnetic Field (Score: 1)
by Koen on Monday, February 27, 2012 @ 09:37:19 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla
The AB effect is real,  but what is it?
Two possibilities:

- it is a quantum mechanical effect where the A potential causes a phase shift in the electron wave
- it is a classical force effect, to be precise:  a longitudinal Ampère force that acts parallel to the electron direction of movement, and that is mediated by a new type of classical scalar field, such as  div(A),  where  A  is the "magnetic" potential.

From all AB experiments does not follow if the electrons that follow path A  become shifted in position (in case a real force acts on the electrons following path A)  with respect to electrons that follow path B.

See  http://members.tele2.nl/kovavla/experiments.html    ,  best visible in the Firefox browser.

Re: Ghostly Influence of Distant Magnetic Field (Score: 1)
by nanotech on Friday, February 24, 2012 @ 13:22:17 UTC
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Everyone interested, let's discuss the AB Effect and how it relates to overunity power systems, and more. I am convinced that this is real, based on the evidence, and, it has been replicated in over 20,000 experiments worldwide. There are several very good books out there that focus on the AB Effect.

Thomas Bearden points out that the AB Effect proves the existence of the Magnetic  Vector Potential, the A Field, and, that the quantum potentials are the more fundamental of the fields than the normal em fields; this was also supported by the papers written by ET Whittaker back in the early 1900s.

By manipulating em fields to produce potentials, you can produce wireless transmission of power and matter/mass, materialization/dematerialization (from the quantum to the macro level!), extract energy from the ether, and alot more.

A more physical, mechanical way to interpret the AB Effect is this: It is a direct use of the ether to effect charges and the magnetic field. The "quantum potential" can be another name for the aether/ether.

The actual model is not as important as the reality behind it. In theology, for example, the Trinity/Triunity of God is a model of the reality behind it: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The electron model of a vortex or spinning field set or a sphere of energetic motion is not as important as the electrical energy itself.

What are some practical ways to make use of the AB Effect, to produce overunity power?

Re: Ghostly Influence of Distant Magnetic Field (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Friday, February 24, 2012 @ 22:19:41 UTC
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Kind of off-topic, but her's the lowdown:

1) Tap into the earth's natural vibration (The Schuman Cavity Resonance) and use it to power low-energy sound generators/amplifiers.

2) Use the sound generators to create resonance on any form of matter.  Stanley Meyer's invention used this same concept of using sound and resonance to tap into the aether.   The ancient civilizations of this world also used this concept to move those huge megalithic structures =that are found all around the planet.

What it boils down to is this: everything in the universe, including the Aether, is nothing but vibration.   The Aether, like everything else, can be tapped into by knowing what resonate frequency it vibrates at.


Re: Ghostly Influence of Distant Magnetic Field (Score: 1)
by Koen on Friday, March 02, 2012 @ 15:01:09 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla
Nanotech,  the  A potential can manifest itself in several ways:  in the form of transversal waves (a.k.a.  electromagnetic waves)  or in the form of longitudinal waves which is something the official scientific world does not accept.

We know that solar cells can convert transversal A-potential waves (sun light)  into electricity, but it might be much more rewarding to turn longitudinal A-potential waves (cosmic waves??)  into electricity.

The AB effect is a longitudinal Ampere force effect,  by assuming that the electrons that pass the shielded coil  not only get phase-shifted, but also their speed is influenced  (small acceleration or decelleration)  without deflecting the electrons.

I proved by my mathematical theory about extended electrodynamics that there is a theoretical connection between the longitudinal Ampere force and Tesla's longitudinal wave (which is the longitudinal A-potential wave, or just the Phi potential wave).

So, their you have it,  the connection between the AB effect, and overunity power systems that convert longitudinal waves into electricity.



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