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Energy Secretary Steven Chu resigns
Posted on Sunday, February 03, 2013 @ 18:51:54 UTC by vlad

General WASHINGTON — Energy Secretary Steven Chu, who won a Nobel Prize in physics but came under questioning for his handling of a solar energy loan, is stepping down.

Chu offered his resignation to President Barack Obama in a letter Friday. He said he will stay on at least until the end of February and may stay until a successor is confirmed. 

...Potential replacements for Chu include former North Dakota Sen. Byron Dorgan, former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm and former Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire.

Obama said in a statement Friday that Chu brought a “unique understanding of both the urgent challenge presented by climate change and the tremendous opportunity that clean energy represents for our economy.”

During his tenure, Chu helped move the country toward energy independence, Obama said, referring to billions of dollars in Energy Department loans to boost renewable energy such as wind and solar power.

“Thanks to Steve, we also expanded support for our brightest engineers and entrepreneurs as they pursue groundbreaking innovations that could transform our energy future,” Obama said.

Chu, 64, a former director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab in California, had little political experience before taking the energy post in 2009....

Full story: http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/energy-secretary-steven-chu-resigns

[Chu is a scientist but not bold enough to support, with a few of those billions, groundbreaking research and inventions (not just innovations in traditional alternatives) that could radically transform our energy future. He did not understand the politics and the economics of energy and Oil & NG Fracking revolution won! - Vlad]



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Most Promising Energy Innovation (Score: 1)
by Randy on Wednesday, February 06, 2013 @ 05:42:54 UTC
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Light bulbs based on polymers can be designed for self-sustaining light. The fipel (field induced photo electroluminesence) has been known for some time. However, the light emitting nanospheres incorporated in the conductive polymer have only been available to industry in adequate numbers for industrilization opportunities for a few years. These high effeciency plastic light bulbs are becoming available in stores this year.

Polymer body organs now being made. (Score: 1)
by Randy on Wednesday, February 13, 2013 @ 13:06:59 UTC
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Last night, I printed an article off the net describing how  doctors are making plastic body organs that function as a replacement for failed organs.  The body is scanned and a scaffold is constructed out of porous and fibrous polymer just like the original.  The organs are placed in a nutrient solution containing stem cells from the patient from his bone marrow.  The cells fill in the pores and eventually function together a living organ.  This is amazing polymer engineering.  Randy


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