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Eric P. Dollard need help for his life long work on Tesla technologies
Posted on Monday, March 04, 2013 @ 09:53:23 UTC by vlad
Anonymous writes: Hi all,
For those who are not aware funds are needed to help the Tesla technologies researcher, Eric P. Dollard.
Here's his website link :http://ericdollard.com/fund-raiser/
Thanks !
Pierre St Martin
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Re: Eric P. Dollard need help for his life long work on Tesla technologies (Score: 1) by profraccoon on Saturday, March 09, 2013 @ 01:48:55 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Dollard gave us a very vague video of his research once (borderland labs) that showed very vague results and very vague theories.
1) the few theoretical concepts brought forward by Eric Dollard in order to describe Tesla's obscured scientific work, are simply WRONG and do not explain anything at all.
2) the experimental research done by Eric Dollard does NOT prove 'Tesla's longitudinal electricity at all. Dollard did not even come close doing this.
So, what did I learn from Eric Dollard? Absolutely nothing.
Now the million dollar questions to you: - what is the correct scientific background theory that describes Tesla's longitudinal non-Hertzian wave technology? - which experimental can prove and truly recreate Tesla's non-Hertzian wave technology?
Hint: the experiment must show an electric wave phenomenon, and it has to be proven beyond a shadow of doubt that this wave is not the usual Hertz wave a.k.a. the transversal electromagnetic wave.
There were a few scientists, like Ignatiev, Wesley & Monstein (Eric Dollard is not a scientist, not even close) who tried to prove the non-Hertzian wave, but all the experiments were performed still do not prove Tesla's non-Hertzian wave convincingly and decisively.
Dollard's claim that he was the only one who could recreate Tesla's obscured technology is FALSE. He could build a Tesla coil (or Tesla transformer), but he could prove not one of Tesla's claims about non-Hertzian waves, electro-gravitic effects, etc .... The Tesla coil has been rebuild by many others, this is not a big deal.
Only the naive layman sees Dollard as a maverick. You can give Eric a million dollars: he is not capable of proving anything scientific, because he lacks the scientific background and ideas for a decent scientific experiment.
Re: Eric P. Dollard need help for his life long work on Tesla technologies (Score: 1) by nanotech on Saturday, March 09, 2013 @ 04:46:07 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Mr. Raccoon, you make some good points. Scalar waves are real, as you yourself have pointed out, and can be used technologically. Do you think some form of scalar based apparatus could eventually be made that would allow people to assemble and synthesize any material or structure desired? I am talking something beyond nanotechnology, something that goes deeper than the atoms, and allows direct materialization of matter from the SUB-atomic realm of the ether and space itself.
Re: Eric P. Dollard need help for his life long work on Tesla technologies (Score: 1) by profraccoon on Thursday, March 14, 2013 @ 04:46:57 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | The question about the sub-atomic ether/vacuum realm is this: what particles and waves fill up the vacuum? Is it all "virtual" particles and photons (for instance the elusive "virtual" Higgs particles), according to the official dogma? Or is there a type of matter even lighter than electrons/positrons that is in constant interaction (because it has electric charge), allowing also for longitudinal 'aether sound' waves?
There are three reasons to believe in the existance of particles with 'electrical charge' and much lighter than electrons: 1) the anisotropy of light speed in vacuum (meaning light speed is not a constant). The most natural explanation for this; vacuum can be polarized electrically, and this means the vacuum is filled with electric charge). 2) the wave nature of "elementary" particles (for instance, an electron that has wave nature, consists of a cloud of much smaller particles that all-together form a wave pattern) 3) Maxwell's displacement current in vacuum ( an electric field in vacuum that varies in time, which is the equivalent of Maxwell's displacement current, shows a rotational magnetic field, just like the rotational magnetic field around an ordinary electron current. This means that an unknown type of charged particle fills up the vacuum)
So basically nanotech I totally agree there is something deeper than protons, neutrons and even electrons. Neutrinos already are 'discovered', but not so the electrinos and positrinos that are as light as neutrinos but do have electric charge. This is what you are looking for: ultra light charged particles that show complex collective behaviour (such as the atomic world that we are familiar with, of even a complex aether worlds without the atoms we are familiar with).
The longitudinal sound waves in this aether particle medium represent a new type of energy that can be collected and transformed into pure electric energy. The antenna for collecting such waves is not like the antennas for sending/receiving transversal electro-magnetic waves. The antenna should contain a lot of static charge, and show very abrupt high frequency electric pulses, according to my theory. The electric power for such an antenna is defined by P = dV/dt Q, in stead of P = IV = dQ/dt V (the latter is the usual electric power).
Re: Eric P. Dollard need help for his life long work on Tesla technologies (Score: 1) by nanotech on Saturday, April 13, 2013 @ 08:13:03 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Thank you very much. I know one problem with current detection equipment, in which to locate such particles, is that our detectors are designed to detect electrical changes, and some state the longitudinal waves require a different form of detection apparatus.