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Test of Zero-point Energy Emission from Gases Flowing Through Casimir Cavities
Posted on Monday, March 04, 2013 @ 10:10:30 UTC by vlad

Science calin writes: Olga Dmitriyeva and Garret Moddel


A recently issued patent [1] describes a method by which vacuum energy is extracted from gas flowing through a Casimir cavity. According to stochastic electrodynamics, the electronic orbitals in atoms are supported by the ambient zero-point (ZP) field. When the gas atoms are pumped into a Casimir cavity, where long-wavelength ZP field modes are excluded, the electrons spin down into lower energy orbitals and release energy in the process. This energy is collected in a local absorber. When the electrons exit the Casimir cavity they are re-energized to their original orbitals by the ambient ZP fields. The process is repeated to produce continuous power. In this way, the device functions like a heat pump for ZP energy, extracting it globally from the electromagnetic quantum vacuum and collecting it in a local absorber. This energy can be used for heating, or converted to electric power.

We carried out a series of experiments to test whether energy is, in fact, radiated from Casimir cavities when the appropriate gas flows through them. The Casimir cavity devices we tested were nanopore polycarbonate membranes with submicron pores having a density of 3x10^8 pores/cm^2. Gas was pumped through the membranes in a stainless steel vacuum system, and emitted energy was measured using a broadband pyroelectric detector and lock-in amplifier. Emission in the infrared was clearly observed. We analyzed the emission from different gases and cavities to determine its origin. None of the conventional thermodynamic models we applied to our data fully explain it, leaving open the possibility that it is due to Casimir-cavity-induced emission from ZP fields.

Link to pdf: Test of Zero-point Energy Emission from Gases Flowing Through Casimir Cavities



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"Test of Zero-point Energy Emission from Gases Flowing Through Casimir Cavities" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Test of Zero-point Energy Emission from Gases Flowing Through Casimir Cavities (Score: 1)
by vlad on Tuesday, March 05, 2013 @ 21:11:44 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
See Haisch and Moddel  U. S. Patent #7,379,286 / May 27, 2008:
http://zpenergy.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2938 [zpenergy.com]


Re: Test of Zero-point Energy Emission from Gases Flowing Through Casimir Cavities (Score: 1)
by immanuelkant456 on Sunday, March 10, 2013 @ 10:55:29 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://cosmicelectrodynamics.blogspot.com
this looks reasonable. like the old forward patent. (he had a wire spiral bettween two casimir plates) the good thing is a hydrogen molecule is about the smallest antenna you can makes. use hydrogen gas and put the molecules in the casimir cavities. the mueller atomic hydrogen generator worked similar.


Re: Test of Zero-point Energy Emission from Gases Flowing Through Casimir Cavities (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Wednesday, March 06, 2013 @ 08:17:47 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
Finally serious research is occurring instead of the usual huckerism that pops up in the ZPE field!
Congrats to the authors for making a fundamental breakthrough.

For your next research, try tuning your device to the internuclear oscillations of biatomic gases. If you can squeeze the cavity down to the 10 ev level or smaller some interesting things should happen.

Re: Test of Zero-point Energy Emission from Gases Flowing Through Casimir Cavities (Score: 1)
by nanotech on Saturday, March 09, 2013 @ 04:52:42 UTC
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Check this out, Cat. An engineer was describing the possibility of making "perpetual metal". He said if you somehow, at that nano or quantum level, can connect a piece of metal to the zero point field more directly, you could have it where the metal is constantly being renewed and conducting electrons and fresh electrons to replace any damaged or worn part, without needing nanomachines to do it. But then again, according to Dirac Sea Theory, this is already what is happening, just in a non-human controlled way. All solid matter is constantly being kept up via the quantum ether.



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