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PhD Harold Aspden reports now available on the web
Posted on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 @ 22:58:39 UTC by vlad

Science bjoern writes: Dear friends.
I want to inform you that PhD Harold Aspden has published 10 of his science reports at his site. See: Aspden Reports
The reports are among a lot others covering his unique knowledge in magnetism anomalities, and over unity constructions.
What he now shares for free includes top class information for most ZPE researchers.
Regards. Bjoern



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"PhD Harold Aspden reports now available on the web" | Login/Create an Account | 3 comments | Search Discussion
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'Free Energy': Defining the Field of Investigation (Score: 1)
by vlad on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 @ 23:59:07 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
From "ENERGY SCIENCE REPORT NO. 1 - Power from magnetism":

The words 'free energy' used in the introduction need explanation. This is an expression which has come into use in an international communication network. It simply means a prospective source of clean energy that is in abundant supply and not subject to territorial or climatic limitations, but one that has yet to emerge on the industrial scene.

In a sense one can imagine that engines running on 'free energy' would be classified as 'perpetual motion' machines, but here one needs to clarify terminology and concept. 'Perpetual motion' may be defined as that which, owing to a cosmic influence communicated via the action quantum named after Planck, results in a sustained energy activity in matter which arises from an equilibrium state as between matter and a 'field' medium in space. Thus, there is perpetual motion in us all. The human body comprises atoms in which electrons move ceaselessly with quantized motion. Even if we die and our bodies are cooled to absolute zero of temperature, to a temperature below the 2.7 K of cosmic space, that motion persists, because those electrons never stop moving. The atoms with their electron motion have perpetual life unless transmuted by the E = Mc2 rule into a pure energy form that then dissipates into space. There is, evenso, a regenerative process in Nature by which forms of matter can be created and the secret of all this activity lies in the understanding of:

(a) the nature of gravitation
(b) the nature of magnetism
(c) the nature of the photon, and
(d) the nature of the aether.

The scientific establishment has not, as yet, provided any accepted explanation for any of these physical phenomena. For example, until there is an accepted and valid derivation of the measured quantity 137.0359, the 'over-unity' version of the fine-structure constant, which is the key to the photon action and the energy quantum already mentioned, those 'experts' cannot deny energy transfer from vacuum to matter via the quantum process. Any such denial would only amount to a declaration that obtaining energy from space to serve a useful end is 'contrary to experience', meaning no more than that the fruits of future invention implicit in this pursuit have not yet come to market...

'Free Energy': still not right (Score: 1)
by chipotle_pickle on Thursday, July 31, 2003 @ 02:14:46 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://freehydrogen.blogspot.com
Vlad's pretty clear that this is an area that's been plagued by poor terminology. The phrase "perpetual motion" is terrible because perpetual motion is the natural trajectory of any object under ideal conditions. But "free energy" is also awful since Gibbs free energy is delta enthalpy minus delta entropy. Gibbs free energy is hardly an alien notion to the free energy discussion, so "free energy" is already taken. I think "free energy" is worse than "perpetual motion". Maybe "non-conservative" would be better.

Also Vlad's definition in paragraph one would seem to include nuclear and coal. That can't be right.

Vlad's discussion in paragraph 2 forgets the 3r d law of thermo (which I think is XZPE related) that you can't cool anything to abseloute 0.

Anyway, thaks Vlad for an effort at clearing up what really is double entendre plagued lingo.


Re: 'Free Energy': still not right (Score: 1)
by Bjoern on Thursday, July 31, 2003 @ 09:19:41 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
The terminology is Aspdens own.
I just want to point out that the text of Vlad's above is a copy-paste from Aspdens report No1, where he tries to declare what is what in this field.
The report is written in 1994, so the vocabularies may well have changed a bit since that.
Now to the reason why I at all mention the reports. Harold Aspden displays some very odd phenominas, what is not cleared out in the orthodox physics. He shows both theoretical and practical evidence for possibilities of pulling energy from the vacuum.
His knowledges in magnetism and eddy current anomalies are very special, though he made PhD researches in that field in the 1950's.
There are very important conclusions in the texts that can open doors into ZPE. With or without right terminology.
Regards, Bjoern



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