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Posted on Thursday, February 19, 2004 @ 19:14:48 UTC by vlad
Overtone writes: Fuel shortages soon
The world’s oil and gas wells are running empty.
• After a hundred years of exploration and extraction very little new oil and gas is being found. See graph. Today, for every barrel of oil discovered, the world consumes four barrels.
• When energy get scarcer and dearer there is very serious disruption of transport, industry, business, government and private life.
Serious shortages and disruptions
• Globally, 90% of transport (road/rail/air/sea) depends on oil. So does industrial & farm equipment (food).
• Much natural gas is used by power generating stations to generate electricity. Gas shortages can therefore trigger grid outages that disable computers, communications and electronic control equipment.
• More than 500,000 oil & gas-based products will also become scarcer and dearer: plastics, clothing, asphalt, tyres, medicines, sealants, inks.
Alternative energy sources cannot compensate
• Hydrogen is not the answer because it is actually made from natural gas, which itself is running out.
• Hydroelectricity, coal, nuclear, windmills, solar etc. cannot be increased sufficiently in time to prevent seriously disruptive shortages of energy.
The full fact sheet can be viewed at:
NOTE: The author of this Fact Sheet is unaware of such possible near-term alternatives as Zero Point (Quantum Vacuum) Energy - which just might be in mass production within one or two years - and powering cars a year or two later.
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Re: THE OIL AND GAS CRASH AND YOU (Score: 1) by ElectroDynaCat on Thursday, February 19, 2004 @ 19:47:27 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | The Oil Crash will be one of the ultimate tests of the market system, to see if supply and demand will work as theorized by free market economists.
The scenario should evolve as such, dwindling oil supplies cause a huge runup in prices which should provoke the acceptance of alternative fuels(methanol at $2/liter) and also provoke lifestyle changes in the energy guzzling USA.
Of all the problems associated with fossil fuels, the most pervaisive one has been ironically, its low price, which underpins the typical American Lifestyle which will disappear along with cheap oil.
As far as the Zero Point Energy making any contribution, its difficult to say when that could occur, or what form it could take. I wouldn't go out and buy a HumVee and a big house out in the country, 20 miles away from my job on the expectation that any technology that we know of now can solve the problem. |
Re: THE OIL AND GAS CRASH AND YOU (Score: 1) by vlad on Thursday, February 19, 2004 @ 20:22:55 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Do not be worry...we'll be burning carpets for fuel!:-(
Wednesday, February 18, 2004 · Last updated 5:58 a.m. PT
AP: Pet projects weigh down energy bill
WASHINGTON -- Researchers and companies working to prevent future power blackouts are seeing their federal funding slip away to lawmakers' home-district projects, including research on ceramic engines and burning recycled carpets as fuel...
Read the article at: seattlepi.nwsource.com
Re: THE OIL AND GAS CRASH AND YOU (Score: 1) by ElectroDynaCat on Friday, February 20, 2004 @ 09:33:10 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | How many miles per square yard of carpet can you get in a HumVee? Will the mileage depend on whether its shag, or indoor/outdoor? |
Re: THE OIL AND GAS CRASH AND YOU (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Friday, February 20, 2004 @ 13:35:15 UTC | We've already seen this happen. After OPEC jacked up the price of oil in the 70s, there were a number of changes in the way we used energy: People bought cars with better gas mileage, the walls of houses got thicker with more insulation...so even if you don't shift away from oil, there are things you can do to decrease consumption of oil. And, we have done these things in the past.
In fact, the power of the OPEC cartel broke down in part because consumption declined more than they expected, Suddenly, all these coountries had excess capacity, so they may as well cheat and sell more than their alotted amount (which in turns lower the price, breaking the power of OPEC).
AND YOU SCEPTICS (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Thursday, February 19, 2004 @ 23:47:09 UTC | The U.S. will solve it's energy needs in the future,but it will never solve the need of some to call it quits on the old U.S. of A. |
Moon and microwaves (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Thursday, February 19, 2004 @ 23:54:01 UTC | I have seen an article by a scientist recently that said if we solarcelled 2% of the moon and microwaved the energy to stations on earth we could duplicate the entire energy output of all sources or double the current output ! So there ! |
Re: Moon and microwaves (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Saturday, February 21, 2004 @ 10:52:53 UTC | Here's a couple sites on that, that would give a better picture of what they're talking 'bout:
http://www.worldenergy.org/wec-geis/publications/default/tech_papers/17th_congress/4_1_33.asp |
Methane Ice ! (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Thursday, February 19, 2004 @ 23:59:42 UTC | There is possibly enough methane stored at the bottom of the ocean and in frozen soils to provide hydrogen and hydro-carbons for 70,000 years or more at current usage. |
OTHER SOURCES ! (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Friday, February 20, 2004 @ 00:07:13 UTC | If it becomes expensive enough we have plans to start bringing in ateroids for raw resources and comets for hydro-carbons and the resources will not be used up by the time the sun explodes in 5 billion years that's how much resources we can and eventually will get our hands on ! So never say die , end , et all. It's not wether we have resources , it's rather what is the scope of the need ! |
Lunar mechanical (Score: 1) by chipotle_pickle on Friday, February 20, 2004 @ 07:28:49 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://freehydrogen.blogspot.com | The moon's not in a stable orbit. It's moving slowly away from Earth. If solar evolution allowed enough time (it doesn't), Luna would end up with an orbit that's 1.6X current. If we could tap into that mechanical energy and slow the moon down, we could produce way more power than we ever will with chemical sources. It would be quite en engineering and political accomplishment, but no new physics is required. Economic expansion can occur nicely for the next couple thousand years with a foundation of nuclear power, and that society should manage to build the lunar harness, or to gather nuclear fuel from someplace else, ... It's about 3000 years to worry about running out of energy. |
Re: Lunar mechanical (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Saturday, February 21, 2004 @ 10:34:03 UTC | I don't understand the complete drift of your post. Could you be more precise .Got http:// ? |
Re: THE OIL AND GAS CRASH AND YOU (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Friday, February 20, 2004 @ 00:16:50 UTC | Has anyone been to the NCPV(National Center for PhotoVoltaics) lately ? These people have a road map for energy self-sufficiency in 20 years with incremental steps. Take a look.
Re: THE OIL AND GAS CRASH AND YOU (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Friday, February 20, 2004 @ 09:30:14 UTC | In fact, the nrel envision in the near future with the current advancements in photovoltaics that the solar home will actually end up being a net generator rather than a net consumer of energy. The excess energy
would be used to provide hydrogen for your vehicle.
Re: THE OIL AND GAS CRASH AND YOU (Score: 0) by Anonymous on Friday, February 20, 2004 @ 09:00:48 UTC | This whole "running out of oil" thesis is worse than simply false, it is backwards. With technology, energy prices will be going down, not up, and within several decades, oil will most likely be used only for chemical purposes. This long term decrease in energy pricing is not dependent on any one new technology breakthrough. Rather there are multiple technologies either currently available or projected for the near future that will accomplish this. Others here mentioned solar and nuclear. Changing World Technologies also has a newly proven technology that produces crude at $10 per barrel. That alone limits long term energy prices to 1/3 of current prices. And we haven't even gotten to ZPE or some of the other more exotic technologies out there. |
Re: THE OIL AND GAS CRASH AND YOU (Score: 1) by Technophile on Friday, February 20, 2004 @ 09:04:22 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Sorry, the above was my post. I didn't realize I wasn't logged in. |
Re: THE OIL AND GAS CRASH AND YOU (Score: 1) by ElectroDynaCat on Friday, February 20, 2004 @ 09:29:56 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | How about some info on Changing World Technologies? Don't leave us hanging in suspense! |