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Rasta.. we need something to hold on to... (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, October 15, 2003 @ 23:33:31 UTC

Hi. This is me, Tybalt.

I believe as you do that it is probable that GWE is for real and legitimate. However, I have been burnt so many times that I want some small piece of solid evidence that shows both GWE is a legit company AND that the Edison Device is real.

I have learned the hard way (not just in the alternative energy field but others) that hoaxers and con artists cause a tremendous ammount of damage. I am tired of it. I just want the TRUTH and nothing but the truth.

It frustrates that GWE apparently refuses to give us a shread of anything solid to hold on to. We need to hold onto SOMETHING...

For example, I am a CHRISTIAN. Most of my fellow Christians believe that the world is not going to get any better whatsoever, the end-times are almost here, and the earth is going to go downhill fast.

Well, I am a little different. Because even though I believe that there will be an end-times and that Jesus Christ will return that it could be one year, or another TWO THOUSAND years before he returns!

There is no way of knowing, and until then we need to do EVERYTHING WE CAN to make this world a better place.

What ONE SINGLE THING could make this world a better place? Well, lets think for a moment...

What is the most critical resource that people fight over? Energy! Of course there are many others, but energy is critical. We fight over energy, we pollute the world over energy, and we spend billions and billions of dollars on energy.

If we could obtain a cheap, clean, and abundant source of energy (like the Edison Device) there is a good chance that perhaps an opportunity could come about where the world could become a BETTER place for at least a little while.

You see, I want to share information about GWE to give other people HOPE. I want them to know that things are about to change and that before long there will no longer be a reason to burn tons and tons of coal to power this nation, no reason to need millions or billions of barrels of oil, no reason to use fission as a way to produce energy, no reason for nations like IRAN or NORTH KOREA to use the excuse of electrical energy to make fission reactors, and perhaps just maybe we could bring power to the poorest parts of the world.

We have a chance to make this world a much better place!

However, I can't just show them the GWE webpage (these people who have basically lost all hope for a better world) when there is not one bit of solid evidence backing them up as a company or their technology.

You see, I try to be an optimist and not be too cynical about things. But at the same time I try to be skeptical. We HAVE to remain a little skeptical or we will fall for every snake oil saleman that exists.

Look, I just want GWE to provide us with some small piece of evidence.

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Re: A suggestion on independent testing (Score: 1)
by baldy on Friday, October 17, 2003 @ 00:09:44 UTC
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Baldy says AMEN, nice to know that there is at least one more believer standing with me.

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