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Need the other half of the story. (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, October 22, 2003 @ 08:40:40 UTC
Chipotle, you in all your resentment for GWE would obviously side with GR right from the start, me on the other hand would like to know why GWE dropped GR as the PR firm. There must be a reason. I would also ask GR if they didn't get paid for all or some of their work. Maybe GWE wasn't happy with something. I need to know the other half of the story before I pass judgment.

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Re: Snoopy, GWE is just to ethical to pay their bills (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, October 22, 2003 @ 15:54:28 UTC
You and that person on the street obviously have too much time on your hands.
I am a Psychology major and live in Boise. I have followed your writings on various posts. You display an enormous amount of aggression/anger.
You are an outsider who would love to be on the inside or at one time on the insight and are now on the outside. Get a life or help from a professional.


Level V: Become aware and neutralize unconscious causes of aggression.
Transactional Analysis describes several common interactions that either degrade and hurt others or build one's ego at the expense of someone else. For example, a person might unconsciously place others in a position to fail and thereby make themselves look super competent. Much of our gossip is an "Ain't it awful!" game in which we get support from each other by putting down others. Read more about games in chapter 9.
Disliking others is costly. Research confirms that hot headed, hostile people prone to cynical, antagonistic interactions are, as you might expect, less open-minded, less tolerant, less understanding, less socially responsible, Look for unconscious payoffs. Conscious payoffs were discussed above, including using the threat of anger to manipulate others. At the semi-conscious or unconscious levels there are more hidden rewards, such as a boss blustering around implying some people may be fired to build his/her own ego.

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