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Re: Yeah. (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 @ 08:55:10 UTC
I also sent in for my shares to be bought back according to Anthnoy's instructions and got no response.

Anthony, was the address / instructions accurate?

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Re: Yeah. (Score: 1)
by baldy on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 @ 09:19:56 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
Thanks for stepping forward to offer some clarity to the anon. posts. You can see why Vlad is trying to get more to become members. It is so simple and really is the only honorable way to speak to each other since we can't meet face to face and make valued judgements of the person we are talking to. You can appreciate that having been in sales for 46 years I am quite proficient in sizing up people and determining if what they say has value or is garbage! Only TIME can prepare one thus.
Now I value what experience you have to share with the rest of us. Last Dec I tracked down the trail of Kelly and judged that he was a bit player and of little consequence, but with the investor trail leading back to him so often I need to know your experience with him and how he is or is not wired to the Shaws. I have no $'s involved but do have thousands of hours in research and complicated proposals presented to GWE. I am fortunate that I see Gods hand in all this so it is easier for me to believe. In my judgement the only reason to remain anon. is that you are afraid to slip and get aced out due to your NDA. I too have that concern but really have NO fear because my Lord has led me every step of the way. I could not have done it otherwise! You would agree this conversation should have been in private, but your anon. prevents that as you have no access to the private message section. My best to you and your family in this time of reflection on how lucky we are to live in this great nation! Lbaldyw@aol.com if you prefer.

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UFCT not honoring agreement to buy back shares (Score: 1)
by chipotle_pickle on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 @ 09:28:35 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://freehydrogen.blogspot.com
That's bad. I think you should do 3 things.
1 - Let them know that you are giving them till next Thursday to act on your request.
2 - Fill out the form at GWE's website where they ask for information about people selling equity in their technology. I've always wondered what they would do if one of you guys sent something in that way, and I'm sure it will be good for laughs. No need to wait.
3 - When Friday rolls around and they haven't done anything, file complaints with your state AG and the FBI.
4 - Contact me off-list and I can provide more specific contact information.

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To People Stating They Have Requested Buy Backs (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, November 28, 2003 @ 12:55:11 UTC
I have received written confirmation that UFCT has received no requests to buy back shares within the past year. Requests of this nature must be forwarded to the address listed on the documents.

Anthony Marchetti

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