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Re: about time (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, November 28, 2003 @ 19:33:33 UTC
Anthony, as an investor I would like to know when we are going to get something in writing linking UFCT & GWE. At this point, there is no reasonable explanation you or Patrick Kelly (possibly one in the same) could give the investors as to why we have not been properly informed about our investment.

We have been asked to be patient & quiet. Well, we have, but it's getting old. Let us know where we stand. For UFTC to tell us they would return our investment is simply UNFAIR. Sure, I would love to ask four hundred people if I could borrow money to get my fledgling company off the ground. Then, in two years, return it with no interest paid to the investors. We put our trust in you. Now it is time you put your trust in us and explain to us what it happening, without the suspicion we would leak any proprietary information.

I find it odd you ask us to stay quiet, but you choose this public forum to set the record straight on certain issues discussed here. Come on Anthony/Patrick send us a letter, memo, newsletter...something to keep us believing/trusting. Stop addressing this forum and address the investors who believed in you two years ago.

| Parent

use return reciept people (Score: 1)
by chipotle_pickle on Saturday, November 29, 2003 @ 08:29:53 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://freehydrogen.blogspot.com
Baldy's right. You need to get documentation in order with these guys, otherwise they are going to blame you for you not getting your money back.

| Parent

Anthony, why is this corp is not in good standing? (Score: 1)
by chipotle_pickle on Wednesday, December 03, 2003 @ 10:13:37 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://freehydrogen.blogspot.com
As I am sure you know, UFCT is not a corporation in good standing. It wasn't when I first checked in Jan and it isn't now. It's because Kelly never paid its registration fee or its franchise tax. Now I had thought that this was like driving a car with expired tags, sloppy and unbusinesslike, but not unheard of. But it was explained to me by someone who knows more about these things that it's more like driving with the plates taken off the car, a serious violation.

Why doesn't UFCT pay its registration?

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