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Re: The scam angle not making sense (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, November 30, 2003 @ 15:58:14 UTC
I think you would be hard pressed to find more than a handful of people who BELIEVE that Genesis has anything more than a website and even fewer that have actually seen a demonstration of their product. Despite all the speculation by John L. and all the wishful thinking buy others, only 1 person claims to have seen the device. That just simply is not enough to draw the conclusion that "GWE has SOMETHING"

| Parent

Re: The scam angle not making sense (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, November 30, 2003 @ 22:55:09 UTC
1st, of all, nobody ASSUMES this device works AT ALL!!!!
Why go through the trouble to make it look like it almost works?!?
Try.... because you have to be CONVINCING!!!!
Try....replacing the word "blackbox"in your entry
to "fuelcell" ...and you indeed have the "standard scam"...whatever THAT is.......and FINALLY....If the Edison device is real than DEMAND for other forms of energy will virtually dissappear entirely, and utility/energy prices will drop to the floor. Money for ZPEnergy research, or money for oil exploration
would simply DRY UP!!!!! You've convinced me by stating the opposite of sense that GWE is a scam untill proven otherwise in my humble opinion, but what do I know.......I'm just motsb
p.s. pickle is not the only annoying or rude blogger on this site and he DOES contribute to the discussion(if thts what you call this!) ocassionally.
Sorry...I was rude!!!!....somebody SUE me!!!!!.....
and I'm goin straight to hell!!!!....with pickle

| Parent

Rasta, where is it not making sense? (Score: 1)
by chipotle_pickle on Monday, December 01, 2003 @ 11:17:28 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://freehydrogen.blogspot.com
The model Edison was assembled as a prop to get investor confidence. If it's a scam or not is a seperate question. But the prop's required in either case. The reason why it isn't a marketable product is that it runs through expensive fuel quickly and is extremely expensive. What they tell the investors is that the fuel will last 20 years and that the parts can be had cheaper. If they were correct about those claims, then it would be a business and not a scam.

I have to admit that the story of what's going on is a little messy. There are still some loose ends that don't fit into my explanation. I'll bring up another very loose end from the Edison photos later.

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