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Re: comments for 'naynay' (Score: 1)
by Archer on Friday, April 30, 2004 @ 08:31:05 UTC
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Bonjour, "naynay":

"Calling people boneheads will not get you any more market share . . .": No, I'm sure you're right, but it probably won't get me any less either. The people who might invest in our undertaking certainly will not be of Pickles' caliber, since I've learned by my numerous attempts to explain my work to him that he really doesn't want to see any substantiation of advanced concepts in this field, cannot understand even simple algebra, and seems to have little reasoning abililty. So, as I see it, he really is a total bonehead.

"nor will it get people interested in your product. If you are introducing a new technology YOU have taken the burden of presenting it to those that you would have to explain [it to] over and over. . . .": No, I don't think so. If 'people' aren't intelligent enough to already be fascinated by this work, or that I don't have to 'explain it over and over' to them - beyond the disclosure provided on our terrifically informative website - then Christ save them.

"Patience is not in your forte in this post and will cost you genuinely interested people if you cant take a little criticism. We genuinely want to know how it works. . . .": 'Patience is not my forte', period. We're all out of time for foolishness. And I like to think that I can take constructive criticism as well as the next man. What I can't 'take' is willful ignorance and maliciousness, and cannot suffer fools. I truly can't understand why you all find my work so difficult to apprehend; if you 'genuinely want to know how it works', and honestly try for once to really apply the brains God gave you, then why is it that you can't?!

And, even scarier, why is it that some of you - like Pickle - don't wan't men like myself to succeed in our quest? Maybe we are chasing the Grail, but such a thing is inarguably noble and honorable in nature - and anyone who who doesn't think so is simply heathen.

I've made every effort to provide full and fair disclosure that I can, and will continue to do so. Very few of you ever ask me anything perceptive or even sensible, though. Adieu.

Mark T.
Archer Energy Systems, Inc.

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