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170 kwh/day, 1.2 kw at a time (Score: 1) by chipotle_pickle on Tuesday, April 22, 2003 @ 17:46:42 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://freehydrogen.blogspot.com | The eCells are (approx) 0.6 watt fuel cells. How are two of them supposed to make any more than 30 kwh in one day? I do wonder why they changed the units. Just for contrast, that same paragraph used to be in the "Market Ready" paragraph of the Technology section.
The Genesis Project has developed two market ready models of the Edison Device: a residential version and a commercial version. The residential model is capable of producing up to 30 total kilowatts of combined gas and electrical power per day (a typical home uses between five to six kilowatts), and the commercial model can generate up to 100 total kilowatts of energy. For heavier commercial requirements, multiple Edison Devices can be linked together.
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Re: GWE changes wording on Edison device to Kilowatt hours (Score: 1) by RedPill on Wednesday, April 23, 2003 @ 08:24:57 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Why couldn't it be 170 Kw a day divided by 24 hours, this would give you an average of 7Kw per hour.
Im not an electrician and dont claim to know practically anything about measuring power but if the statement was "a day" then why not just device that number across 24 hours? |
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GWE numerolgy (Score: 1) by chipotle_pickle on Wednesday, April 23, 2003 @ 21:52:07 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://freehydrogen.blogspot.com | It seems that Genesis World Energy is recycling the same few numbers and changing what they are supposed to stand for. Consider the table below.
oldtech: shows how that number was used in the original technology tab
pressrel: how the Newsroom, original press release uses number
newpag: how new "Edison Device" description uses number
Number 5
oldtech: Claimed average household natural gas usage, in cu ft / day
pressrel: nothing
newpage: Same as oldtech
Number 6
oldtech: Claimed average home power usage in kw per day
pressrel: Claimed average home energy usage in kw per day
newpag: Hidden. Has morphed to 7.2.
Number 30
oldtech: Total power of consumer Edison, in kw per day
pressrel: Total energy of consumer Edison, in kw per day
newpag: See 720. Also, H2 output of consumer Edison, in cubic feet / day
Number 100
oldtech: Commercial Edison's enbergy production in kw / day
pressrel: Same
newpag: Claimed cap for a typical home's averag electricity usage, in khw/day
.............Also Commercial Edison's H2 output in cu ft /day
Number 170 newpage only: Consumer Edison's energy output, in kwh/day
Number 720 newpage only: Commercial edison's energy output, in kwh (?per day?) 24X30
Enjoy the table, mix and match the numbers and have fun. Try to find find how the 6 kw of power per day transformed into 170 kwh of energy per day. Hint, why does the eCell have only 0.5 volts under load, isn't that substandard? What's standard? What mistake did they make to get to 0.5?
For the original technology page, see the snapshot saved at blake.montclair.edu/~kowalskil/cf/voodoo.pdf.
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