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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Coriolis Force and Rotating Aether Vortices (Score: 1)
by FDT on Friday, April 21, 2006 @ 22:43:38 UTC
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Dear Technophile,
                             Ever since I first became aware of the fact that the Holy Grail of physics, since the days of Einstein, has been to unify gravity and electromagnetism into one grand theory, I have always adopted that attitude that the first stage of any such quest must be to find out as much as we can about both gravity and electromagnetism.

If as a result of our investigations into both gravity and magnetism, we then happen to stroll across any leads which may link the two theories together, then of course we must follow those leads.
As it so happened, I did find myself compelled to undergo an intense investigation into both gravity and electromagnetism, but it was not with the primary objective of discovering the unified theory, albeit that I would have been looking out for leads to same, as a secondary objective. My primary objective was to unveil the mystery of the Michelson-Morley experiment, as I was convinced that Einstein's special theory of relativity was totally wrong.

Many people have realized that Einstein's special theory of relativity is wrong, but they all end up with the Michelson-Morley albatross hanging around their necks, and the resulting riddle leads many to compose alternative theories equally as ludicrous as the one that they are trying to undo.

My investigations into gravity taught me nothing that wasn't known already, although I do believe that the cause lies in an aethereal medium. However my investigations into electromagnetism opened up a series of questions which couldn't properly be answered by the textbooks. In particular, the subject of displacement current eventually led me to Maxwell's 1864 paper. This in turn led me to conclude that a dielectric sea of electrons and positrons was essential in order to explain electromagnetism, but I have never made any connection between this electric sea and the aethers which might explain electrostatics and gravity.

                                                     Yours sincerely
                                                                 David Tombe

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