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Re: question about number two and more (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, April 24, 2003 @ 03:52:21 UTC
Sorry for the typos in my previous post. I have big clumsy hands and this is the first time I've ever participated in an online discussion. I think I forgot to preview what I had typed before sending it.

The words "per day" originally posted on the GWE web site were the result of an editing error by team members. Specific energy outputs were very close to being released to the public on December 5th and then were pulled at the last minute. When I say last minute, I mean literally as the press conference was starting and the web site was going live. The team chose to ignore the typo until the final standardized device configurations were made and detailed output numbers could be released. The final suggested configurations were selected a few days ago and the information on the web site was updated. Look for a lot of new details I think people may find interesting to be released on the GWE website in the days, weeks and months to come.

Based on what I know, there should be some systems available from licensees in 2003, but they probably won't be widely available until 2004. FYI: Currently, the plan is that the first twelve production Edison Devices will be auctioned off to the public well in advance of any devices being available from licensees. All proceeds from these auctioned devices will go to charity. The devices being auctioned will be unique because they will probably be the only Edison Devices entirely built by GWE and delivered to the public.

One thing that might be helpful in understanding the team and their choices is that they feel there are only two things that really matter about what they’ve done. Creating the technology and making it widely available to consumers as quickly as possible. To the team, pubic debate means nothing when the product and technology being debated is not available on the market for consumers to benefit from.

For those of you that like spend your time debating the possibility of an energy revolution, some food for thought: Creating a viable, practical, low cost hydrogen based energy economy from water without requiring consumers to change the way they use energy has been a realistic option for over 30 years. Every piece of the technology needed to accomplish that already existed in one form or another. All that needed to be done was for someone to get in and sort it all out, refine it into a cohesive package and make it consumer friendly. Scientific breakthroughs and over unity were not needed to make the hydrogen economy viable. The creation of the Genesis Technology just made it possible for the conversion to the hydrogen economy to take place very quickly, with much less effort and at a much lower cost to consumers. Like the team said, it was right there in front of us all along.

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