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Re: AKOIL power generators (from the Russian page) (Score: 1)
by Overtone on Thursday, September 14, 2006 @ 17:25:26 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com

Faraday Labs, St. Petersburg, Russia August 24, 2006

News Release by AKOIL Energy:

We are accepting applications and developing purchase contracts for NEW POWER STATIONS THAT FUNCTION WITHOUT CONSUMPTION of FUEL. The first phase of production includes capacities from 50 kW and up to several mW. During 2007 we plan to manufacture generators in sizes ranging from 10 kW up to several Gigawatts.

Our company represents the AKOIL Energy Company regarding sales of independent power plants employing the energy of magnetic fields. This kind of production has no analogues. In 2006, the manufacturer is accepting orders for generators with a capacity of 100 Kw or greater. Low power generators will be manufactured in 2007. Generators are manufactured by AKOIL Energy The technology consists of a self-running special “transformator”.

Outside energy will be necessary only for initial starting. The power plants are expected to have a life measured in decades. They are guaranteed for 3 years.

Safety requires the generators to be in a sealed enclosure. Customers are not authorized to break the seal.

Sale of manufacturing licenses is not planned at present.

Prototype demonstrations can be arranged.

Potential Customers can discuss with the manufacturer demonstration of the capabilities of these power plants.

Estimated cost/kW based on output power/per kW. Estimated lead time to delivery in months, once manufacturing begins for a specific power level, as shown below.

1KW - 9KW, 5000 Euros, 3-5 months

10KW - 49KW, 3000 Euros, 5-6 мonths

50KW - 99KW, 2000 Euros, 6-7 мonths

100KW - 999KW, 1000 Euros, 7-8 мonths

1MW - 9MW, 900 Euros, 8-9 мonths

10MW - 99MW, 800 Euros, 9-20 мonths

100MW - 999MW, 700 Euros, 20-30 мonths

We accept orders only from companies, not individuals.

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