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Re: Time to be Triple Played (Score: 1)
by vlad on Tuesday, October 23, 2007 @ 00:36:34 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
OK Mach, I believe you ... You say: "The only thing IM " Heavily " vested in, is the hope that perhaps someday a vialbe working overunity device will enter into the market and usher in a new energy revolution for all humanity not just the rich." What exactly means for you "Heavily vested"?? ...what do you do to help your hope (and ours) come true sooner than too late??? ...except for bashing Mark Goldes and Bearden on this site?

This evening I enjoyed watching on TV an interesting movie titled "The story of Louis Pasteur". It just happened that the French academy called Pasteur "a fraud, plain and simple" (sounds familiar?). And that was after he already proved the germ theory of infectious diseases on Antrax and was working on the cure for rabies, which was taking longer than anticipated. The poor guy, working in his basement lab, ridiculed by most doctors of his time was trying to explain why he can't treat patients yet, not because he failed or he's wrong but because he needs more time given the adverse circumstances.

Anyway, I'm giving you this example not because I'm comparing Mark or Tom with Pasteur (even though, one day, they may very well be the "Pasteurs" of energy science, if they're right) but to highlight again to you and all the other patience-less people like you, that when dealing with ground braking research in a "virgin" territory of experimental science, swimming alone against the current of conventional science, time-lines for accomplishments are more "wishfull thinking" that realistic predictions.

Take hot fusion for example ... even though it is a legitimate research that benefited from $billions in public funding, it has wrongfully predicted an imminent breakthrough for the last 50 years! All these predictions are normally based on: 1) availability of adequate funding and 2) no surprises in the technological (engineering) scale-up process. Even when plenty of funding is available, there are usually technical problems to design a marketable prototype. In MPI's, MEG's etc. case, not only the funding is very difficult to obtain, but the lack of an adequate theory to explain the experimental phenomena contributes to the overall difficulty of the technical problem and consequently, to accurate production date forecasting.

Mark Goldes, Tom Bearden, Randy Mills and a few others are not in the same league as Denis Lee, Newman, Perendev, Tilley and many others who claim for years they have a ready to market product and stage public demos to raise money from gullible private citizens. Mark has always explained clearly that only accredited investors are welcomed to visit his labs, sign an NDA and see first hand the stage of the research ... and only then decide for themselves if it is worth investing or the risk is too great given the conventional science wisdom that tapping ZPE is impossible.

What are Mark's alternatives to awake curiosity in the "outside" world for MPI's work, when most of the conventional channels are closed for this kind of research news? NOTHING that Mark Goldes or Tom Bearden posted on this site is "crap". You may say it is not what we, those familiar with their work, would like it to be, or redundant, repeated information, not news-worthy, etc. but not "crap" dumped here like in a toilet. Freedom of posting here is the same for all ... if you don't value his posts go to the next ...or you come with something better, as I asked all of you here to help me help you to stay informed with the latest and the best news in our topic of choice (ZPE research).

And yes, I provide these people with a platform to get their ideas and struggle out, to the honest and smart people out there who will take the time to see what they have and eventually help them prove their claims. Unfortunately, most of the people do nothing, some only care to criticize (very few vomit that critic) and a tiny fraction, part of that small number of people who will change the world, do listen and take action supporting these pioneers to change the world as we know it.

Again, setting an optimistic time line is not crap, maybe wishful thinking. Not meeting them for objective reasons (promised funds have not materialized, technical difficulties in the scale-up process, death of key researcher, etc.) is unfortunate and it certainly attracts the critique/wrath of many (as yourself, me and many others). Be tough and let them (and the public) know your opinion and what you want/expect from them ... the only thing I ask from you and everybody else is to do it like you would speak in a public court, as civilized people you pretend to be.


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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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