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Easy to verify if a house runs on Edsison (Score: 1)
by chipotle_pickle on Sunday, October 12, 2003 @ 17:06:20 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://freehydrogen.blogspot.com
About the house that's been using an Edison device for a year, ask for the electric bills. In the long history of perpetual motion machine scams, nobody has ever gone to the trouble of getting an electric bill consistent with their claims. The bill should be low, mostly negative, except maybe for a small positive bill January or August.

Good to eliminate the carbon possibility, though it seemed inconsistent with the rest of your description (no power input once warmed up. Carbon would require constant low voltage electrical input.).

The notion that the "catalyst" does not get used up but "loses it's potency" just doesn't make sense. Either the precipitate falls out, in which case you might not see it if you did not look in the water filter. Or the film itself oxidizes, which might be hard or easy to see. If you've not weighed the "catalyst" before and after, you just don't know.

The UFCT people are always being told that this or that important person or CEO is involved in UFCT. But the only one that's verified is the big brother of the former CEO of a veterinary hospital system. Why not talk to some of the other people independently and ask them to confirm their involvement in UFCT? Clearly, when the GWE page went up and until April, it was written by someone without the technical education required to make sense of an electric bill (10 KW/day of power, etc.).

| Parent

Re: Anthony's Edison observations (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Monday, October 13, 2003 @ 12:24:12 UTC

With GWE producing Edison Device components since August 19, 2003 and Device manufacturers beginning their production in early 2004, does GWE have any plans to do an offical media launch by the close of 2003? Or shortly after?

From previous responses, it appears the revenue stream has started from the technology license. Other than "really soon", when do you think the revenues will start trickling down to the shareholders?


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White's analysis (Score: 1)
by chipotle_pickle on Tuesday, October 14, 2003 @ 11:25:04 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://freehydrogen.blogspot.com
Anthony, above you say:

I believe that the process analysis written by Douglass A. White, Ph.D. is more along the lines of what is happening in the gcells, although I am aware of some key differences between Dr. White’s analysis and what I personally observed.

Which White analysis was that, he had two. One of them was that the gCell was a filter that water was forced through with mechanical pressure, possibly from gravity. If you like that idea, maybe you could calculate for us how many eV a water would gain falling a few cm, and how far off that is from what it would take to do any chemistry.

White's other idea was that it was similar to the work of Ondreij Votava entitled "Vibrationally Mediated
Photodissociation of Water....". Now if you like that idea, why don't we just write Voteva and ask him what he thinks of it. He seems like a nice guy with the pictures of his kids on his website and all. I am sure he would get back to us if we asked him why he didn't just use a bigger container and more water but the same amount of energy. But I don't want to waste time he could spend with his family if nobody here is going to listen to him.

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