From recent Tom Bearden's correspondence:
"...It also appears that Fogal will get his semiconductors into production and usage very soon now, driven by recently emerged serious requirements and urgent needs. With his prototype technology, subspace communication and superluminal communication can become standard technology...(more)
One can also take a photo, and realize that the entire past history of the EM in the light emitted from the target or reflected from it, that was captured by the film or digital receiver, is still there, even if heavy noise was added along the way to the camera by many (even 10) orders of magnitude, and is obscuring everything. Fogal can go right in there and get to the original signal, when no noise was present. He can pull out the signal itself and remove all the noise. At a major university in Europe, he demonstrated this technique and the scientists tested it meticulously. He has also demonstrated it in the U.S. With his chips, room temperature superconductivity is straightforward and simple. So is superluminal and even instantaneous "signal tunneling", even at a great distance. With a little more effort, so is "seeing right into the depths of great assemblages of matter". Eventually, one will be able to simply focus down inside the sun, e.g., and directly sense, record, and analyze what is going on at the deeper levels. Or inside the earth. Or the moon. Etc. Eventually the REAL way to do earthquake warning will be to do direct observation and scanning inside the earth, including measurements at a distance. Matter is, after all, mostly empty space filled with EM waves, potentials, and fields -- and those are merely bundles of longitudinal EM waves with impressed dynamics, coupled with time-polarized EM waves. Fogal's semiconductors are able to use those longitudinal EM waves. A few years ago, a major company in its own lab, using Bill's prototype equipment, sent a signal up to a satellite, into it, back out of it via its transmitter, back down the downlink to the receiver on the ground, then through several repeater stations along the usual route to the lab. For that entire circuit, there was zero time delay between insertion of the Fogal signal on the front end and the emergence of the signal on the rear end. ", "The scientists working in the group delays involved in special electrical circuits have already proven that there are two types of superluminal propagation of signals. For the first kind, the signal propagates faster than light, but the effect occurs after the cause, just quicker than would occur at light speed propagation. That is a positive group delay. For the second kind, the effect occurs before the cause, and that is a negative group delay. Again, as weird as it sounds, these effects do occur in fairly simple electronic circuits. Just see the article by Nakanishi et al., pull the references cited, and you're off and running in looking into the status of that area.
Now you can see why I became so interested in negative group delays in actual circuits, and in superluminal transmissions in actual circuits, already in the literature. They are already real, and there should be a truly massive ongoing program in the scientific community, going after developing this area with large funding and high priority. Fogal's special semiconductors also can be used to produce overunity energy systems. Once the semiconductors are available, we will be producing power systems using them, and placing them on the market, with royalties going to Fogal205
In spite of demonstrations and negotiations, Fogal has yet to attract the necessary capital to take his technology forward into development. After years of heartache and effort, and disbelief by an inane U.S. scientific community that simply says nothing we cannot already do can ever be done, Fogal is retiring from active work on his technology while he regroups his energy and his forces.