Lawsuit filed by Santilli against Cornell University for the arxiv
Date: Sunday, August 26, 2007 @ 21:39:28 UTC
Topic: Legal


I have been shocked to read the following message from Santilli I found following my return from a holidays. I feel sick and shameful to see that a senior US scientist such as Santilli [US citizenship following research for the US Air Force; formerly from Harvard under 5 DOE contracts; listed by the Estonia Academy of Sciences among the most illustrious applied mathematicians of all time jointly with Newton, Hamilton, Lie etc.; a lecture hall carrying his name in Australia; keynote speaker at various international conferences; author of some 250 papers and 18 monographs; nominated by various colleagues for the Nobel prize in physics and recently also for that in Chemistry, etc.] has to file a lawsuit in federal court just to upload "preprints", bear in mind, in the arxiv where fraudulent papers by others are routinely accepted by the anonymous "people" (I cannot call them physicists) at Cornell.

Santilli is fighting for all of us because without scientific democracy we are doomed, and so is our planet. I and several other colleagues from a number of countries will indeed help him with affidavits of discriminations by Cornell under its use of public US funds, appearance in court whenever possible etc.

How about you? Are you doing anything to help hum, or you prefer what Santilli has dubbed "sinister complicity"? If you are serious for scientific ethics and democracy, contact Santilli at Santilli

Please pass this message to physicists interested in restoring scientific democracy and decency in the United States of America.

Yours, Truly

Luca Petronio

Dear Luca,

I believe you may be interested in knowing the outcome of my lawsuit for paternity fraud filed at the U. S. Federal Court, Civil Case 8:07-CV-00308-T-23MSS, against: the Italian physicists FABIO CARDONE, ROBERTO MIGNANI et al; WORLD SCIENTIFIC; various Italian institutions; as well as against CORNELL UNIVERSITY ARXIV for complicity in said paternity fraud.

The entire lawsuit is available to the public in the web site of the U. S. District Court, Middlesex District of Florida, and can be located with the above indicate case number. A partial mirror site including the Complaint, the Exhibits and the Interrogatories, can be found at

The case of Cornell University is quite serious because they have set and operated the arxiv in excessive violation of the Laws of the United States of America pertaining to the use of U. S. public funds, since they have perpetrated serious discriminations in the listing of preprints, not only against me and several distinguished scholars I know, but have also perpetrated also Mussolini-type suppressions of the listing of papers from various minoritarian foreign groups that are now causing a much overdue uproar since, whether scientific or ordinary, crime (i.e., violation of our laws) never pays and must cured to prevent sinister complicity.

In the event you have been discriminated by Cornell University and seriously care for scientific democracy, you have the ethical obligation to let me know and have the courage to have your case be listed in court.

In the event you know of colleagues who have been discriminated by Cornell University and truly care about scientific democracy, you have the ethical obligation to give them a chance to defend themselves by sending them copy of this message.

In the event you have not been discriminated by Cornell University, but wish to express your views whether in favor or against the current conduction of the arxiv, please let me know by clarifying with clarity whether your message is private or intended for uploading in the Comments of the above mirror site.

Yours truly


Prof. Ruggero Maria Santilli
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