Solar evidence points to human causes of climate change
Date: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 @ 23:08:04 UTC Topic: General
It’s getting harder and harder to blame the sun for causing the gradual
increase in global temperatures that are now being seen in the climate
record, scientists said today.
In a symposium on the
potential role of solar variability — increases in heat coming from the
sun — held in Boston at the annual meeting of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science, experts in solar science, climate
modeling, and atmospheric science explored the issues surrounding who
or what is to blame for the rapid rate of change.
There are several possibilities, but the most likely answer is that human industry — that is, heating, cooling, automobile exhaust, manufacturing, and power-generation — is the fundamental culprit. Such activities rely heavily on burning gas, oil, and coal on a massive scale, and the end result includes carbon dioxide, a so-called greenhouse gas that traps the heat radiating from the ground, keeping it from escaping back into space.
"I’m looking for the millennial
scale of solar variability,” said astronomer Sallie Baliunas, a
researcher at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in
Cambridge. She added that “the records do show variability,” such as
changes in radioactive carbon-14 abundance and a beryllium isotope in
sediment that suggest changes in solar output. “Did the sun cause what
we see on the ground?” she asked. “It doesn’t seem so. But there is
some fuzziness in the data, which suggests it could go either way. The
answer isn’t known at this time.”
What is becoming known, especially from computer models of global
climate, is quite gloomy. Warming that was first noticed in the 1960s
has increased steadily, and is probably directly linked to human
Scientists suspect the changes in the amount of beryllium-10 and
carbon-14 found in various layers of sediment reflect solar activity,
because the magnetic disturbances associated with sunspots tend to
block the normal flow of cosmic rays reaching the Earth from space. The
cosmic rays collide with atoms in the Earth’s atmosphere, creating the
unusual isotopes; beryllium and carbon thus serve as a “signature” for
cosmic-ray and solar activity.
“Our star, the sun, is a
variable star,” said David H. Hathaway, a sunspot specialist from
NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Hunstville, Alabama. “It varies
by about one-tenth of one percent” in energy output. But “there are
suggestions the sun" varies "more than that, because we see it has gone
through some periods, such as the Maunder minimum.” During the Maunder
minimum, which lasted from 1645 to 1715 and is also known as the Little
Ice Age, there was an absence or near-absence of sunpots and northern
Europe experienced especially cold winters.
Baliunas has also based her research on studying surface activity
that is detectable on distant stars that are reminiscent of the sun.
There is considerable variability in the 60 sunlike stars she has
examined, she said, depending on how fast each rotates and other
factors.Unfortunately, she added, “there is no model to explain [solar
surface activity] on the century-to-millennium time scale,” and
long-term changes in solar output need further study.
According to Casper M. Ammann, a climate modeler at the National
Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, in the years
since 1950, “there is no observed trend” in solar radiation. The
11-year sunspot cycle has not been significantly abnormal. This is just
part of the reason for the difficulty of determining the sun’s
influence on Earth’s climate. Ammann explained that “for the past 150
years people have tried to see whether the monsoons are linked to the
11-years solar cycle,” but without success.
In essence, he added, it’s now very clear that the atmospheric
changes being seen now — global warming — “have nothing to do with
changes in solar activity. It’s greenhouse gases. It’s not the sun that
is causing this [climate] trend.”
The Earth’s atmosphere — and its relationship to the sun’s energy
output — is so complex that even as warming began, “up until 1960 we
couldn’t see it.” But now, he said, since warming has been confirmed,
the world’s climate scientists “are probably not overestimating the
problem. It’s probably worse than the estimates.”
In fact, he said, global warming is occurring at an incredibly
rapid rate, faster than any previous episodes of climate change known
from the paleo-climate data.
Ammann did add, however, that there is reason to hope that the
most dire consequences can be avoided. Although it’s clearly too late
to avoid the heating of the earth’s atmosphere, “we can substantially
cut [it]” by severely reducing the amounts of carbon dioxide going into
the air. “It is absolutely achievable,” he said — if by mid-century
societies can generate enough will to make the necessary changes.
Source: Harvard University Via: