Jan editions of the New Energy Times and Future Energy e-News
Date: Monday, January 31, 2011 @ 23:06:58 UTC
Topic: General

From the FUTURE ENERGY eNEWS Table of Contents:

Dear Subscriber,

We are pleased to present an excerpt this month of one of many great COFE4 papers that you can experience in person at the conference. We are featuring Moray King, who has put together a fascinating theory that the dominant energy coming from the water electrolyzers is not from hydrogen, but rather it is from another source which might be far more energetic: charged water gas clusters, which activate and coherently harvest zero-point energy (ZPE). His experimental evidence is also quite compelling (story #1). IRI is also extending a 25% discount until Feb. 15, 2011 for early registration, with five conferences in one this year! ...

1) Water Electrolyzers and the Zero-Point Energy
2) The Year in Energy
3) Thunderstorms Produce Antimatter
4) Italian Scientists claim to demonstrate Cold Fusion
5) TR-10 Solar Fuel

Source: http://www.integrityresearchinstitute.org/Enews/EnewsJan2011.htm


Table of Contents/ New Energy Times magazine


  1. From the Editor: Progress is This Way

  2. To the Editor


  1. Japan CF Society Meeting JCF11

  2. Wiley Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy in Press

  3. 16th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science

  4. Weak Interaction Theory Paper Published with Acknowledgement to Chidambaram

  5. ICCF-14 Proceedings Published Electronically

  6. American Physical Society March Meeting

  7. American Chemical Society Spring Meeting

  8. LENR Researcher Les Case Dies

  9. LENR Researcher Alf Thompson Dies

  10. Remembering John “Alf” Thompson

  11. 137 Films Completes Filming of "Cold Fusion" Documentary, Almost

  12. ACS LENR Sourcebook (Vol. 2) Publishes

  13. LENR – “A Magnitude 10 TechnoQuake”


  1. Cold Fusion Versus LENR: Competing Ideologies

  2. Status of ICCF-14 Country Histories

  3. Corrections to New Energy Times Special Report "Cold Fusion Is Neither"

  4. Update to Garwin, Lewis Report of SRI Excess Heat to Pentagon

  5. 1994 Review of Excess Heat in Ni-H2O Electrolytic Cells

  6. Showdown at the APS Physics Corral

  7. Rossi and Focardi LENR Device: Reality or Scam?

  8. Rossi and Focardi LENR Device: Celani Report

  9. Rossi and Focardi LENR Device: Probably Real, With Credit to Piantelli

  10. Rossi and Focardi LENR Device: The Melich and Macy Reports

  11. Energy Catalyzer: It Works and It's Not Fusion

  12. Nickel to Copper: One Possible Pathway




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