New experiment (April-2013) corroborates Aether proposed in Quantum Ring Theory
Date: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 @ 20:47:01 UTC
Topic: Science

To the readers of ZPEnergy: I’m glad to announce a new experimental discovery: New experiment corroborates the structure of aether proposed in my Quantum Ring Theory

In QRT it is proposed that the space is filled by the aether, which structure is composed by a particle and an antiparticle.

The photon proposed in QRT is formed by the agglutination of both them. So, the particle and antiparticle are a fermion and an antifermion.

The size of a photon depends on the quantity of fermion and anti fermion agglutinated in its body.

A new experiment is corroborating such hypothesis:

The quantum vacuum as the origin of the speed of light

In the item 3 of the article (The vacuum permeability), the authors say:

“We propose a physical mechanism to produce the vacuum permeability from the elementary magnetism of the charged fermion pairs under a magnetic stress. Each charged efemeral fermion carries a magnetic moment proportional to the Bohr magneton.

We assume the orbital moment and the spin of the pair to be zero. Since the fermion and the anti fermion have opposite electric charges, the pair carries twice the magnetic moment of one fermion”

This is just what is proposed in Quantum Ring Theory.

The photon formed by a lot of particles and antiparticles (fermions and anti fermions) moves in the “soup” formed by the elementary fermions and anti fermions, a soup named aether.


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