More on Newman
Date: Sunday, February 24, 2002 @ 19:18:00 UTC
Topic: Testimonials

I found Frank Dobbs' comments very informative and sincere and he gave me the permission to reproduce them here from the Yahoo nuenergy group. Thank you Frank.
From: Frank Dobbs

Date: Mon Feb 11, 2002 3:56 am

Subject: [nuenergy] Re: A daily demonstration of the Energy Machine

DTB, and ALL
I have personally witnessed the operation of Joseph Newman's motor about 2 years ago This was his then latest machine. Before this time I had never met the man, but did study all/most information available about his invention about 5 years prior. ( I have an Electrical Engineering background).
I was at the time prepared to pay his USD $10,000 to become a distributor of his technology (that was the asking price then and many people have paid this price and more) and was provided a full demonstration. I also had the opportunity to put some technical questions to Mr. Newman.

Below is my view of Mr Newman and his energy machine which may be of interest to you when you meet him and ask him questions. (please post any responses to this group).

Note that I have not witnessed Newman's early designs with extremely large amounts of copper and very large magnets in which Newman refers to in terms of "weight of copper". I have only witnessed his latest motor designs - the ones he is trying to commercialise. The literature on his early designs make very large over-unity claims of several hundred to thousands of percentage points - the latest motor unit I tested together with Newman gave an efficiency of around 180% (depends on mechanical tests).

1- Mr. Newman was/is an extremely cautious and arrogant man, he will not trust anyone easily, he seems to be almost paranoid in this respect, maybe this is because of the years of persecution he claims to have suffered. I cannot really understand this aspect of his personality but my personal impression is that it is more a result of his personal doing & interpretation rather than by injustice of others.

2- I only mention the above NOT because it has anything to do about his invention but only to prepare you when you ask him questions as his answers are almost always framed with distrust. Never ask him a straight forward question. You must frame your questions as a "true believer" only then will he give you any answers - its then up to you how you interpret those answers - you have to dig them out of him very humbly!

3- If you ASK as enough questions in the above manner (as I did) you can slowly piece together your "own interpretations" of the machine works and of his claims.

4- Remember that Mr. Newman is not schooled in Physics or Engineering ( which he uses to his advantage) and as a result will only accept "classical" methods of Science or Engineering if and when it is advantageous to promoting his causes/invention.

5- Over the years, Mr. Newman has not achieved any legitimate recognition for over 20 years - and it is entirely his own doing - he is his own worst enemy! He has had many lost opportunities over the years from genuinely interested parties and financial backers, but in his view they all have tried to rob him of his invention.

If you read his history (his own words) he has infact turned down many "million dollar" offers - At the same time he definitely "wants any money he can get his hands on"? He has been selling his invention for 20 years - he apparently was "awarded a patent" (by a legal bill not by the patent office) but has not acted upon his rights and brought his invention to the world. (after 20 years I would suggest he sells it, his patents claims would have run out by now?).
6- About his latest energy machine itself. Well it is basically a large, long, and very heavy sausage shaped motor. Not withstanding the overunity claims, From a purely commercial aspect the motor itself would be far too expensive and far too heavy to be of practical commercial use (my opinion) - and possibly one major reason why any commercial enterprise would not even bother to look at his other efficiency claims! (there are also problems with the commutator). On a practical side this is really what Mr. Newman's has been trying to do - that is to produce an energy efficient motor that will replace existing motors?
7- TESTING - After 20 years of public tests, demonstrations, seminars, lectures, TV shows and funding he has received, Mr. Newman still users very crude testing procedures and equipment which have not changed very much in 20 years (except maybe he has a better CRO these days). One cannot adequately make an accurate determination of the electrical input power measurements (narrow voltage spikes and currents through highly inductive loads etc) with the instrumentation that Mr Newman is using - don't offer to use your equipment he will not allow it and may be insulted that you do not believe his measurements.
8- If you assume that his electrical measurements of input power may be "roughly correct" (you don't have much choice) then there is the major problem of how Mr. Newman interprets and measures the mechanical power that his motor is infact producing. Rather than using tried and proven standard engineering procedures to measure mechanical shaft power ( Such as a dyno as I rudely suggested) Mr. Newman insists on doing it "his way" by placing a FAN BLADE on his output shaft and using interpolated power curves for that particular fan blade being used. He then assumes by calculation that his motor must be producing "X amount of power" (in watts) to turn that particular fan blade at the un-conventional speed at which his motor runs.

9- A standard Dyno test would accurately measure the output shaft power at any speed, but Newman refuses to do this and to my knowledge has never subjected his motor to any standard mechanical testing procedures to date? He always uses a "roundabout" method when there are standard techniques that can do these things. He will insists that his test is the only test that needs to be done. - Because of this, it is easy for to see why his invention has stagnated for the last 20 years or more!

10- I also suggested that he connects the output shaft of his motor to an standard DC generator and then use the generator output instead of the batteries to run his setup? - At the time he found that suggestion quite repulsive and was offended. He then kept insisting that I simply do do undersatnd how his energy machine works and never will? I stated again that if he claims to be producing 2 or 3 times output power in "watts" than input power then it is a simple matter to take a dc generator of 80% efficency and close the loop? - He then suggested that he may do this at some later time - I never had a response after that! - Maybe someone could pose this question again?

11- Unfortunately Newman uses crude calculations and "inferences" drawn from examples to justify his claims and so he will never prove his point unless he allows outside testers to verify them? I doubt this will ever occur - maybe he doesn't want it to happen?

12- Nowadays he seems perfectly content to just prod along making his same claims, signing up investors and giving the same public lectures and demonstrations as he been doing for the last 20 years? There are many investors that have provided Newman with funds for many years - and they are still waiting? His distributorship contracts mention "delivery dates" of 6-12 months for the first unit - these contracts are now at least 10 years old.

13- In my critical viewing of his latest motor ( 2 years ago) the test results I got ( using his meters and his calculated value of mechanical power output was around 180% efficiency - agreed to by Newman. I asked him wether this figure includes both the mechanical efficiency and electrical efficiency and he said YES. In other words if one was to draw electrical power from his machine (from his claimed back emf power) then the so-called mechanical efficiency would reduce and vice versa - You may want to ask him a similar question along these lines -

14- There are many people that think the Newman motor will produce both Mechanical Over-Unity and Electrical Over-Unity at the same Time? My discussions with Newman at the time confirmed that this is not the case and Newman himself appeared not to understand these points correctly? Maybe someone could ask him to confirm this point again?
15- I would be interested if anyone could provide a detailed report of Newman's latest tests and demonstrations? If so please post or email me the results?
Hope this is of interest!


Frank Col Dobbs.

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