It's All About Magnetics!
Date: Sunday, March 31, 2002 @ 23:12:00 UTC
Topic: Devices

ZPE is the primary energy force of the Universe. It is the single reason why Quantum Physics does not match Newtonian physics. The amounts of energy that we detect from ZPE is only in relation to its interaction with matter. It is truly infinite. It is what holds the adamantine particles into what we call matter. It causes the "electron shell effect". Gravity. Covalent ionic bonds. Magnetism. Magnets are bipolar ZPE conductors. Because ZPE is 3D, it creates a 3D field. It works similar to networking computers. Regular network cables cannot connect two computers alone, but a crossover can because the energy signals are from the same channel.

The point of this is, no matter what your device, no matter what your experiment, surround it with magnetics. Completely enclose the reactor in high-power electromagnets. You want the electromagnetics configure to attract. You want to insulate the reactor so that the magnets will not crush, but so that you can turn up the intensity.

The general idea of why this is happening is that a particle is undergoing extreme cross-vector accelleration oscillations, and is creating a ZPE "wake" just like a boat in water. Well, magnets attract because they conduct the ZPE away from in between the two magnets. Surround your devices in very powerful magnetics, and virtually every ZPE device will work beautifully.
After that, the next big challenge is to convert that energy directly to electricity in a small package. Don't give up. My website is at: if you are curious about my assertions.
The only way ZPE is going to get past the powers that be is that we cooperate and open source our technology. My website has been up for over five years, discussing the use of magnetics to enhance ANY kind of ZPE reaction. Therefore it is public domain and CANNOT BE PATENTED. USE IT. Good luck.

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