Against the law! Is Entropy Universal?
Date: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 @ 03:33:49 UTC
Topic: Science

An article, patent, and mathematical theorem states that entropy doesn't necessarily have to be the end.

According to information posted on the Pure Energy Systems website, the second law of thermodynamics, the Second Law of Thermodynamics can be transcended.
Accord to Ken Rauen, writer of the article on the website, "Carnot's Theorem, the mathematical equation of theoretical maximum engine efficiency determined by a ratio of the highest and lowest absolute temperatures of an engine, and based upon the statistical mechanics of the 2LT, is sidestepped, allowing higher engine efficiencies, and even the use of ambient heat as the heat input."
The website features a mathematical theorem and a patent which claims how this can happen.
For more information, see

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