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Latest Andrea Rossi Interview about the E-Cat production plans
Manufacturers Frank Acland writes (e-catworld.com): I have just uploaded my latest interview with Andrea Rossi to the ECW YouTube Channel.

This is an interview held this morning (December 30th, 2024) in which I asked him about the new partnership which he has recently formed. It sounds like this is a real milestone in the E-Cat story.

Andrea says that he is now in the process of transmitting all his know-how about the E-Cat to the new partner who will be manufacturing the E-Cat in what he describes as 3.5 million square feet factory.
Posted by vlad on Tuesday, December 31, 2024 @ 14:11:03 UTC (2731 reads)
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How graphene is going to transform the way we get power
Manufacturers From ImpactLab.net: ...As the poster child for the emerging new super materials industry, graphene is a form of ultra thin carbon just one atom thick. If you can imagine something a million times thinner than a single sheet of paper, you get the picture.

Despite this, graphene is also one of the strongest materials in the known universe. With a tensile strength of 130 GPa (gigapascals), it is more than 100 times stronger than steel.

Graphene is now 15 years old, and even though most of the progress has happen below the radar, the progress has indeed been stunning...

...Two Major Breakthroughs

Two particularly noteworthy developments have the potential to cause graphene to explode into a host of new industries.

Posted by vlad on Friday, April 28, 2017 @ 20:28:34 UTC (3886 reads)
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Fortech Inc. Introduces Real-time Cost Modeling Solution for Power Generation
Manufacturers Anonymous writes: TEMPE, AZ -- Fortech Software Consulting, Inc. announces the introduction of “Power Manager™” leveraging its unique Utility Power Operations expertise along with its proprietary line of other Automated Solutions. Power Manager™ is a flexible, scalable, REAL-TIME business technology solution that seamlessly integrates Power Generation, Energy Forecast/Scheduling, Generation Cost Modeling, Resource Management, Accounting and Reporting functions required for any power operations.

Posted by vlad on Saturday, October 04, 2008 @ 12:24:56 UTC (5671 reads)
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Scientists find quick method to make magnets
Manufacturers (PhysOrg.com) -- Ultra-strong, high-temperature, high-performance permanent magnet compounds, such as Samarium Cobalt, are the mainstay materials for several industries that rely on high-performance motor and power generation applications, including the Department of Defense (DOD) and the automotive industry.

Until now, producing Samarium Cobalt has been a difficult and expensive multi-step process. Northeastern University researchers have broken new ground with an innovative invention of a rapid, high-volume and cost-effective one-step method for producing pure Samarium Cobalt rare earth permanent magnet materials.
Posted by vlad on Tuesday, July 29, 2008 @ 22:58:44 UTC (4007 reads)
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Firefly's Oasis Group 31 batteries; Australian UltraBattery
Manufacturers Anonymous writes: Firefly's Oasis Group 31 batteries getting some EV fans excited
Posted Jan 25th 2008 9:36AM by Sebastian Blanco

One of Firefly's newest batteries, called the Oasis Group 31, is on target for a summer release date. These batteries were unveiled in October, and AutoblogGreen reader Sean says that he's been paying attention this deep-discharge battery and that, " All of us with EVs are quite interested as these promise to double the range, quadruple the life, and weigh a bit less to boot!"

Posted by vlad on Sunday, January 27, 2008 @ 16:22:59 UTC (9062 reads)
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AERO Announces Award Program
Manufacturers AERO Award Program/ November 1, 2007

Advanced Energy Research Organization, LLC (AERO) announces an up-front $200,000 licensing award and minimum $5 million two year royalty program for a qualifying new energy breakthrough.

The Charlottesville, VA energy research company is leading a world-wide search for promising, out-of-the-box inventors and scientists who have provable energy generation inventions that need support, further development and widespread public exposure.
Posted by vlad on Thursday, November 01, 2007 @ 22:54:16 UTC (5285 reads)
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Wearable power competition announced (I-st prize: $1 million)
Manufacturers Calling all engineers and designers -- the U.S. Defense Department is sponsoring a competition to develop a wearable electric power system for war fighters.

Contestants will design a prototype of a battery pack weighing less than 8.8 pounds and capable of powering a standard service member's equipment for 96 hours, the department said in a news release Thursday. The standard, battery-operated equipment military personnel carry includes radios, night vision goggles and a global positioning system.

Posted by vlad on Friday, July 06, 2007 @ 22:01:41 UTC (4383 reads)
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Overseas Funding (AKOIL)
Manufacturers Bill Alek writes: Hello all,

This looks very interesting:

"22.07.06 With Russian concern "Akoil-Energy" and Arabian company "ACCESS FOR NEW TECHNOLOGY Co." assistance "ENERGY OF THE FUTURE" (Nonprofit Organization) - Charitable Fund of new technologies inventors and scientists social and legal protection was found.
Posted by vlad on Wednesday, September 13, 2006 @ 23:08:21 UTC (8629 reads)
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MPI - Executive Summary updated
Manufacturers Extracts: "MPI’s mission is to supply the world with clean, abundant, and inexpensive electricity.

The company is developing technology it calls Magnetic Power ModulesTM. Based upon breakthrough discoveries in MPI’s labs, Magnetic Power Modules are being designed that operate continuously, without fuel, extracting electricity by converting abundant, renewable, Virtual Photon Flux (VPF), an energy source that exists everywhere in the universe. The process will create no pollution. The cost of electricity is estimated to be significantly less than any competing form of power generation today or in the foreseeable future...

Posted by vlad on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 @ 21:45:11 UTC (7090 reads)
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Smartcool enters golf course market
Manufacturers Anonymous writes: Smartcool enters golf course market; announces five year energy savings installation agreement
"Smartcool's Green Technology Hits the Green in Las Vegas"

VANCOUVER, May 3, 2006 - Smartcool Systems Inc. (OTC.PK: SSCFF;TSXV: SSC), an advanced energy savings technology company, is pleased to announce it has signed an agreement to share in the energy savings generated from the installation of the ESM 4000 Energy Savings Module with Siena Golf Club located in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Posted by rob on Sunday, May 07, 2006 @ 11:38:36 UTC (4739 reads)
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Man-made diamonds sparkle with potential
Manufacturers normablue writes: http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/techinnovations/2005-10-06-man-made-diamonds_x.htm

BOSTON — In the back room of an unmarked brown building in a run-down strip mall, eight machines, each the size of a bass drum, are making diamonds.
That's right — making diamonds. Real ones, all but indistinguishable from the stones formed by a billion or so years' worth of intense pressure, later to be sold at Tiffany's.

Posted by vlad on Friday, October 07, 2005 @ 17:39:49 UTC (9308 reads)
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Brookhaven Lab Breaks Ground for New Nanocenter
Manufacturers The U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory held a groundbreaking ceremony today for the Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN). The CFN will provide researchers with advanced probes and the ability to use new fabrication techniques to study materials at nanoscale dimensions – typically, billionths of a meter, or 1,000 times smaller than a human hair. These materials have different chemical and physical properties than bulk materials and could form the basis of new technologies.
Posted by vlad on Tuesday, October 04, 2005 @ 22:46:31 UTC (6586 reads)
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Looking Into the Sun
Manufacturers If David Slawson is right about solar power, our days of oil dependency are numbered.
From: Inc. Magazine, July 2005 | Page 76 By: David H. Freedman Photographs by: Brad Wilson

"...Slawson’s company, Stirling Energy Systems, has some interesting credentials, including ownership of technology developed by McDonnell Douglas, Southern California Edison, and others at a cost of $400 million; $3 million in grants from the Department of Energy; a steady flow of angel investment that he says has averaged $2 million a year for nine years; a preliminary agreement to provide a major utility with up to $2.7 billion worth of electricity over 20 years; and another $1.3 billion deal on tap with another utility...
Posted by vlad on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 @ 22:51:11 UTC (5315 reads)
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Ford Crushes ‘Clean Cars’ While Greenwashing Gas Guzzlers
Manufacturers Andrew Michrowski writes: See what happens when you have a really good technology!...

* Activists stage flag-draped funeral at San Francisco Ford dealer as EV drivers are forced to turn over their cars to be crushed.
* Global grassroots coalition demands that Ford ‘TH!NK twice’ before destroying the most fuel efficient car in its oil addicted fleet.
* Ford ignores Norwegian offer to purchase TH!NK EVs.
Posted by vlad on Tuesday, August 24, 2004 @ 20:32:14 UTC (7487 reads)
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Get the custom parts you need
Manufacturers Calin writes: "....eMachineShop is the remarkable new way to get the custom parts you need. Download our free software, draw your part, and click to order - it's that easy! Your part will be machined and delivered. Even better, your cost is low due to the Internet, software, and automated machines.

Posted by vlad on Saturday, July 17, 2004 @ 18:39:28 UTC (4537 reads)
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Books & Periodicals

StarDrive Engineering

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Would AI help solve the practical problems of tapping ZPE?

ZPE can NOT be tapped for useful power.


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· GWE misses first deadline on website
Sunday, January 25, 2004
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Wednesday, November 26, 2003
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Saturday, November 15, 2003
· Energetics Technologies Limited
Friday, August 29, 2003
· Gravity Control Technologies (GCT)
Wednesday, July 09, 2003
· WEM has completed the process of evaluating preliminary proposals
Sunday, May 18, 2003
· I have already created a zero point generator
Tuesday, September 03, 2002
· More fuelless electro-magnetic motors
Wednesday, November 14, 2001
· EEMF Research

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-- Victor Hugo



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